General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes low behaviour score impact your personal experience?

Does low behaviour score impact your personal experience? in General Discussion
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    Share your experience.
    I need to know, whether it's a coincidence or not.

    I dropped to C and got crazy games instantly.
    Shit like dual mid/dual carry safelane/etc.

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    死の恐怖 Haseo

      yes , low behaviour score is unplayable

      jungler every game , dual mid is quite often

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        i dropped to C and got ton of crazy games after getting into LP. every pick phase is seriously a comedy show. the picks are hilarious on both teams

        no one cares. everyone flames and tilts. it's all gucci because ppl find a way to play the game anyway.


          but then again, the thing that got me to C was crazy games in normal behaviour score. i got on a massive lose streak right before getting sent to LP which some would say was due to 'unplayable' games. and thats on normal. i mean it's more likely that my first picking carry behaviour caused the toxicity..

          chicken spook,,,,

            Had D after intentionally feeding to deflate my calibration MMR
            Games felt slightly harder to win, both teams had utterly uncoordinative arrogant morons but somehow it felt like I always had bigger ones
            Got to normal BS real quick by commends and things felt a bit more stable afterwards
            Nobody ever bothered walking down mid or feeding courier but that's probably only because 2k give too much shit about their mmr anyway

            chicken spook,,,,

              Ye games felt a bit skewed against me but I don't think I got that much "4 morons on ur team vs 5 actual players" bullshit kind of game


                i had very bad score of E then i jumped back to c+ and there was no difirence same toxic people, road to a+

                Chao Vritra

                  i think so


                    Yes,i made this smurf to play on normal behaviour score ranked,now im F again from playing unranked.WTF is wrong with me

                    casual gamer

                      Poorly behaved individuals are also more likely to blame lost games on shadowpool/teammates, independent of if b score affects mm


                        F is literally unplayable.

                        t. previously F player but now normal good boy

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          sometimes i almost feel rly bad for people with f behavior score but then i remember that even at my absolute worst behavior i was hovering around 6k bs and i have no idea what do u have to do to get f

                          casual gamer

                            Abandoning every “free” game you get, abandoning tanks BS waaaaay faster than reports


                              low behavior impacts your experience cz if u r a toxic shit, ur games always suck
                              because of you mostly

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                                It makes your games complete troll mess so yeah it does a lot...


                                  If C bhs games look crazy to you, you should try the D and below ones. It's like being in a parallel universe.


                                    It’s terrible. Majority of games are chosen by who has the feeder on the team

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      It definitely does, for the longest it took me forever to get 5k just cause I was constantly low behavior scored for talking too much, like I wasn't even toxic, I was just too honest sometimes, or passive aggressive for the past 2 years. You could literally have a teammate being twice as toxic to everyone as you are, but if you're the one talking the most and replying to these people, you're more likely to get reported than he is, even if he's the one going around calling them monkeys and stuff. I can count on two hands how many games out of thousands of games that ive actually walked down mid and fed cause I was never an intentional feeder, and half of those games we won anyways cause I started trying again after realizing we can win still. Like i'd legit have friends worse than me be 5.2k mmr and stuff, just cause they played support every game and behaved. Been normal behavior score all month, games are good. The worst part about low behavior score games is that if you're not playing out of your mind, or doing very well, chances are you probably lost, while in these high behavior score games you're more likely to get carried despite having just a decent, or even bad performance. I remember I had this one month of bad DC issues which was extremely rare, I was as low as 900 behavior score, yes, even below 1K on a raging loss streak, lost 800 mmr.

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                                        From now on, I will try to not use voice chat in Dota at all.
                                        It just doesn't pay off.


                                          Well said. It's terrible mostly because you most likely are a horrible toxic individual yourself (I'm looking at you SLQ). It has nothing to do with the winnability of the games, if that's what you're hoping for.

                                          I've seen fairly equal amounts of retard shit in both teams in every behaviour score. And I don't have a problem with selective memory like some people on this forum.

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            Ppl who find they lose more in Low behav score, like York, are just people who are unable to play on in "toxic" environment. Likely they tilt based on "mistake" they think their team is making. And this could be Anything like feeding firstblood or bad lane setups or rotations not according to their liking. As soon as this happens, they "switch off". That could explain why they lose more in Low bs. Because they stop playing and look inwards to blame the team rather than see that the enemy team is even more retarded.

                                            They "talk a lot" but are never toxic in their own eyes. This is VERY typical of people who feel they can't win if they think their games are filled with "intentional ruiners".

                                            Case study: York and slq

                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                              I don't blame.
                                              I just have Tinker jungle/Drow jungle/Techies coming to leech XP/dual mid/etc. at C bhs.
                                              Stuff that has no relation to players' skill directly.

                                              It affected my experience in a detrimental way, as I become very limited in the amount of mistakes I can make to win the game.
                                              Easier to lose, harder to win.

                                              Will get it off in 3 games or so.
                                              I regret using my mic during calibration. Never dropped to C before. Never will again.
                                              Never will use mic in ranked matchmaking, unless in a stack.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                Fun thing, if you help your friend out of LP (you are not in LP yourself) the others cannot report you.

                                                Once we realized this it got hillarious. Like F score troll mode was on :-)

                                                This is a must do at least once.

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                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                  my alt is D, and the games are fine

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I can't even be bothered to play dota because I know I need to grind my behavior score in turbo. F is unplayable.

                                                    No more free weekly abandons. It doesn't matter how well behaved or non toxic you are in general, if you were taking the "weekly" abandon, even ever few weeks, chances are, you'd still get F behavior score.

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                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                      Looks like I need 10 more fucking Turbo games...


                                                        ^From my experience it takes like 3-4 consecutive clean conduct summaries to go from C to normal and viceversa, 3-4 conduct summaries with 6-7 reports to go from normal to C. I don't know if this is always the case tho. Just got C a few minutes ago with the latest conduct summary and during the last game I played I got a 43 y-o guy from the other team that said he would rape my family and come kill me lmao. Also there were divine, ancient and legend people mixed together in the same match.

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          This account never dropped below 8K BS(in the old system) and has maintained normal BS since they changed it to letter grade values. My smurf, more like an alt account because the MMR difference is minuscule and negligible, is letter grade C. And there's a huge difference in the quality of games. They're like what you guys described: dual mids, flame city, some guys walking down lane saying "kill me", etc.

                                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                            I am D, because of series of abandons I had because my ISP was really unstable, and I was stupid and kept trying to play

                                                            I personally find most of the players really fun and kind, trying to play the best and having a blast with the rest of the team


                                                              I’m on normal. About 1 out of every 10 games has one of those “what did I do to deserve this” feeling, 1 is the one where you and your team win all their lanes and get an easy win, the rest are usually a mix in between.

                                                              People don’t talk much though unless they are in my party. I suspect because they are all Chinese students here for university.


                                                                Good to know the system is sending SLQ back to the depths


                                                                  Chinese students here for Uni what????

                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                    damn , now that i read this , cant wait to see what is about to happen in my other acc. D- bs.
                                                                    i even worked for that and made it to normal behavior score from C that iwas, than after 3 abbandons cause of my retarded internet company having problems, i dropped to D-

                                                                    btw jacked first pick carries are the biggest problematic players in low bs . who cares about toxicity , solution is simple when it commes to toxic players, just mute them.
                                                                    the first pick carry , hmmm... no way to deal with it . only a rly good doctor might have a chance to fix that brain . not that much but there is a chance ithink.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      how do i see behaviour score?


                                                                        Type in console:
                                                                        developer 1

                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                          i got to divine 0 with beh score c git gud NUBZ
                                                                          and yes, every game was cancer but they still try 75% of the time.

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                                                                          Player 215168758

                                                                            I throw and feed and give courier enemy for all mmr calibration games, got into 5 games LP twice in the process, after I calibrated, I realized that my behaviour score dropped from normal into F, every game is unwinnable but its a bit fun because retarted people are funny if you can enjoy it LMAO.
                                                                            I have D behaviour score now. :D
                                                                            btw, I have throwed really hard for all calibration games and still get 3k, wtf


                                                                              ^Good fucking job ruining calibration games.


                                                                                I like how SLQ is ignoring Jacked's attempts to tilt him


                                                                                  LOL SLQ can ignore all he wants. That's because he is secretly tilted already.

                                                                                  Mafioso I don't know what u are talking about but first pick carry is the way to go. Usually happens in the other team as well. And let's be honest. It doesn't matter unless your really high mmr. And it's not even a factor in your shitty normal skill games where I first pick am with high winrate.

                                                                                  Tell me again how it is not just your perception of toxicity like it always is ?


                                                                                    I mean don't get me wrong. It is on some level toxic because u tilt the other carry players (rofl). But I realised it depends on the hero. Am gets a lot more hate. Jugg troll Sven usually ok

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      ^The only times I legit got tilted were when I posted my first thread on db about behavior score. I had never been on this forum before and it took me a while to learn who was who and how people were in here, so I was taking everything seriously.

                                                                                      But after that... Lmao, I mean a person that talks to himself through multiple accounts... He's like the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons. So after that I've faced every "puuublic humiliation" literally laughing my ass off from behind my pc. And now that he completely exposed himself in all his mental illness and completely showed his true colors by taking it too far with the stalking thing, I've had my final confirmation. And of course I laughed my ass off one last time :D

                                                                                      Tilt her* btw


                                                                                        Oh right I almost forgot the reason for your emotional instability everyone once in awhile complaining about games...


                                                                                          Can u be more original btw. Jesus. Stop mirroring my words.


                                                                                            Let's be real man. U gave up because my words struck a real nerve. I did expose you for what you are. Exposed your shitty attitude, shitty logic, shitty personality. And all u can do now Is "laugh" but reply to all my posts still to tell everyone how you're not affected and how I am a stalker (for exposing you) and how im somehow mentally ill for giving good arguments about how shitty you are.

                                                                                            Lol. And then all you're capable of saying is the same shit that you don't care or that I post from muliple accounts (wtf where did u get that from I duno. Mafioso?)


                                                                                              Mine just says "normal" and doesn't give me a letter grade. Where do you guys check that?


                                                                                                Normal is the highest score you can achieve, no letters before C


                                                                                                  How do you check the behavioural score?


                                                                                                    Hatsune Miku 19 hours ago
                                                                                                    my alt is D, and the games are fine

                                                                                                    Let me explain this comment.
                                                                                                    Draft time, i play mid SF, time was ticking and I had to pick early, and someone last picks medusa offlane. I go balistic, telling we have no support and so on... Then i get reply from safe lane carry "what's the problem dude, win ez"... He is so low on iq that there is no point talking to the guy, and everything is FINE by him. Ofc game is lost in 30 mins...

                                                                                                    I cant even count games like these. I bust my ass like a moron so 2 other noobs can pick techie and bh and have fun watching me busting my ass for the team and loosing my mind at the same time.
                                                                                                    Game before this one medusa last pick offlane with bara gets rekt by PL on lane. They were all FINE with last medusa pick.

                                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                      Just laugh it off mate. It has nothing to do with behaviour honestly. People pick what they wanna play. Even ppl with "normal" behaviour.


                                                                                                        SLQ don't ignore me man you're breaking my heart