General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do as Timbersaw when I don't exactly get fed earlygame?

What do as Timbersaw when I don't exactly get fed earlygame? in General Discussion
6k animal

    I've had a lot of games lately where I can't seem to get any kills or any sort of lead to anyone in the early game. I win the lane, but I lack in kills compared to other lanes, and I fall off to these other lanes lost by my teammates. Should I be looking for kills more often in the early/mid game? Need some help here. I lose alot of my Timbersaw games because of this. Like Juggernaut for example gets big from another lane and I don't have the farm to match with him. Do I look for kills on other people and ignore him farming? I'm not sure how to go about this situation in many of my games. Thanks

    Ця тема була відредагована

      Get bloodstone and 2 platemail and start hitting tier 3


        If ur not able to get kills try to keep splitting the enemy while farming there jungle safely, if ur radiant farm top if ur dire farm bot just keep pushing waves and farming jungle and tp to help ur team, get as tanky as possible and counter the enemy(if they have alot of physical build armor, silences get lotus or euls, magical get hood) and if u have od against u build blademail, i dont believe timber is good unless u have at least 2 str heroes against u or they lack counters


          Try to be a thing that they can’t ignore by mowing down their lanes and killing anyone who tries to stop you and when they react tell your team to capitalize. Knock on t3 by 25 mins

          6k animal

            What should I do if I have no lead at all and I lost the game? A lot of times when I lose the lane, I don't have any way to farm without just being ganked again, I don't have my bloodstone and they can just gank me over and over and prevent me from pushing lanes. What should I do in that situation? I die alot when this happens and I can't find any way to farm back up.


              i think timber is the kinda hero kinda like bristle. if u kinda won the lane that is fine. just keep accelerating your farm in one lane until u get a lot of items. usually enemy team cannot ignore you. the more people u bring to chase ur ass, while being unkillable, is a lot of space for your team.

              just keep hitting towers and being annoying. when people come to look for you, thats when u kill them. u don't 'gank' in the traditional sense much. let them come to u and provide vision for your team

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                tbh i have no idea what to do on any hero if u lose the lane. just try to farm i guess

                Friendly player

                  Timbersaw is a 50/50 kind of hero. Either you lose the lane and be useless piece of shit for 30min (sometimes you can't recover) or you dominate the lane and finish the game in 30min.


                    get a euls/glimmer



                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        Cut waves, split push and force them to defend objectives, dish damage in teamfights. You have the capability, use it

                        Estimate carefully how much can you extend without dying, you are behind, so you need to be more careful with that. Don't widen the gap


                          Dont read any coment who is 4500 mmr or less

                          I recomend u to wait for bluestar players

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            Dont read any coment who is 4500 mmr or less
                            I recomend u to wait for bluestar players



                              There is divine 5 commenting ignore the rest

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                Ok. Assuming that you were against a trilane. You won that? Great. As an offlaner. You want to make it hell for the carry and his supports. So they wont be ganking the 2 other lanes.
                                Always be a threat on your lane.

                                So now you've won your lane. The enemy supports realize they can't do jack shit in your lane. So they go to your carry's/mid's lane. Now you're faced with a choice. Do you go and help? Or do you keep pressuring your lane. Depends..

                                Go help if:
                                1. You're confident you can get a kill or two when they dive the person they ganking.

                                2. You can prevent a death. And make them blow big ults for nothing.

                                Usually you can take an objective after.

                                Stay in lane if:
                      're confident your team can handle it themselves. (Sometimes the team you are in isnt retarded)

                                2. You can have more of an impact messing up you're lane instead of tping. (15 stacks of armor. You can literally just walk behind their tower and make the enemy carry waste his regen trying to tank creeps.... Maybe even kill the carry?)

                                3.You're such a big threat that you can make people tp to your lane. They have to protect their carry still ,right?

                                But of course not every game will be like this.

                                But the general rule as an offlaner playing the early game is that you have to keep them occupied. So you're team can have a better start. making the supps stay in lane is already a small win. Just dont die too much

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  Also during the mid game. Smoke. Shove lanes in. Farm enemy nc. Also helps.

                                  Also remember to itemize for the game you are in. Hope that helps my dude.


                                    "What should I do if I have no lead at all and I lost the game? A lot of times when I lose the lane, I don't have any way to farm without just being ganked again, I don't have my bloodstone and they can just gank me over and over and prevent me from pushing lanes. What should I do in that situation? I die alot when this happens and I can't find any way to farm back up"

                                    Can you give me a match ID? So I can answer this for you better :)

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      ^this is true in general, but timbersaw struggles to gank other Lanes imo
                                      If ur Shaker or sk in fact as an offlaner I don't see the problem of going to gank mid at lvl 3 if ur struggling in ur offlane


                                        ^true. No shame in ganking instead of suffering your lane.