General Discussion

General DiscussionDOTA 2 Players' Behavior Survey

DOTA 2 Players' Behavior Survey in General Discussion

    Hello there

    My name is Ali, from Turkey. I’m graduate student in Visual Communication Design Department at Sakarya University, Institute of Social Sciences. Recently, I’m researching the players’ in game behaviors in DOTA 2 for my Digital Game Theory lesson. I have some questions for you and I’ll be glad if you spare some time to answer them.

    Note: The information you entered will be strictly confidential and all names / nicknames will be changed in the article.

    The survey was prepared via Google Forms. You can access from the link below.

    Thank you! :)


      It's a meme



        зачем я начал поиск

          Finished your survey.
          I'd like to know the purpose of the study and results overview later on.

          I think this is interesting.

          Jugo Boss

            They asked you to do a research about this In a university ?? That's wonderful. Whatever happens after you get the results just let us know. Is just good to know all of this for the near future to be better.


              have fun reading my ramblings

              chicken spook,,,,



                  Good luck OP


                    Thanks mates :) Update//

                    Palestine 4EVER


                      Good luck with your research, Ali.


                        Done, luckily I am very honest and value the truth

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          I gave the most detailed answers I could.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            hey i thought its a survey not an essay assignment
                            sry op all of ur questions require detailed answers requiring a lot of thinking and its hurting my brain


                              done, i have fun answering these question


                                Yes, my questions are a bit commentary. If I only get answers like "Yes" or "No", the article will be rather seedy. When the article is focused on the interpretation, new information that I do not realize is emerging, which also adds color to the article.

                                And the comment of 17 people was recorded. 17 separate ideas contain really valuable information. :)

                                Story Time

                                  OP is normal skill with 50% wr, what is the understanding of dota will he ever achieve? Pathetic waste of time

                                  < blank >

                                    Just by those question I knew you are Normal Skill.

                                    The best question:

                                    Have you ever witnessed racism in dota? XD

                                    No not at all XD

                                    11. What kind of strategy do you follow? First of all, what do you prefer to destroy? The enemy's towers or enemy players?

                                    Wtf is this supposed to mean ? Player or tower ? :D For an offlaner just keeping enemy supports on the lane makes you win the lane and thats what you want to achieve. Dota is so complex that this question is really .... typical for normal skill scrubs.


                                      Your critics are very important to me please share your thoughts :)

                                      Story Time

                                        What does "graduate student" student mean? Looks like a research of a bachelor student max


                                          finished the survey, good luck with the research!


                                            @StoryTime "graduate" means "master" student


                                              Update //

                                              Chao Vritra

                                                wouldnt multiple choice be better? A bit hard to gather data if every single person is pretty much saying different things no? I will do this when I have time later.


                                                  @chao_vritra What I really want is to write long paragraphs. Because in the long paragraphs, very important information that escapes my attention can emerge. So far, 28 people have participated in the survey and I learned really important new things.


                                                    What's your thesis on? The correlation between the heroes a person plays, and how toxic(via racism) they are? That's what I gathered from your questions. Lol


                                                      I don't understand whats the purpose of that survey but I answered it THO


                                                        Update :) I'll share soon my results


                                                          Is this a troll?