General Discussion

General DiscussionJugg supp is viable?

Jugg supp is viable? in General Discussion

    Just trying jugg(pos 5)supp in unranked and the result is good
    High skill game tho



      Potato Marshal

        Not sure what he can do to help out in lane, except micro a healing ward by the trees? You have a crit, and a very unreliable nuke that eats up half your mana.

        Riguma Borusu

          want magical immunity? pick pangolier
          want a nuke? pick pangolier
          want a spell that slashes multiple people with physical attacks? pick pangolier
          want healing? build a fucking urn it is amazing right now


            I think supp4 jugg is possible to roam with spin dmg and healing from mr. Meowmeow (approved by Masita Singsing).




                Nice, another "carry played as support" build for me to semi-troll with(still playing seriously, but with a complete joke of a pick, which triggers teammates)


                  I used to do this shit when I would be bullied out of lane, I’ll say fuck it pick up oov and roam haha. Bow I genuinely only enjoy playing spave making 3, 4 or aggresive 5


                    Sven 4 bracer build is actually not extremely terrible. Mastah songsongsb creation


                      Singsing's build is actually legit now that you could build Drums and Rod out of Bracers

                      Friendly player

                        morphling roaming






                              oh boy, I had a weaver "support" this morning.

                              Must be where these ideas are coming from.

                              I said " why dont you pick a better support who offers a slow/stun/disable

                              I was met with "shhhh quiet I know what I am doing. They will invest so much into countering me it will be EZ noob"

                              ya, he sure showed me with his 0-5 performance along with a mighty 6k hero damage.

                              I reported him. Honestly the bar is so freaking high to send a shitter into LPQ and we get 1 bloody report a week.

                              Its actually pointless.
                              I miss the those beautiful days when everyone who was a total wank was going to LPQ to fester together. That time period may have been a bit to harsh but it needs to be better then right now.


                                weaver roaming is gucci i played ith 3 times won all games

                                in 3k

                                support in 3k

                                roaming in 3k

                                i also won with gyro roaming

                                you can win with literally anything in low mmr games, people throw games left and and right. as long as you actually try to win


                                  I’ve done gyro roam before it was decent with missle and rocket barrage . I stayed offlane for a bit to get a couple levels tho .


                                    Weaver support is legit man.


                                      just rush medallion
                                      u have to have other heroes with disable to roam with weaver, but if u do, then its great
                                      turns out, bugs are PRETTY GOOD


                                        Well as long as the Hero have skill to helping carry he can Played as supp

                                        My Sven says in that game my jugg supp is better than any babysitter Hero he met rofl


                                          I just realise that healing Ward is really underrated maybe of osfrog give more speed to healing Ward this jugg supp is gucci

                                          chicken spook,,,,


                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            Fee Too Pee

                                              Still a better support than "support alchemist"

                                              Since this juggernaut actually roaming not farming jungle alchemist for aghanim for be useless the entire game


                                                Healing ward doesn't need more speed lmao


                                                  how can you complain about weaver support? strong harass, armor reductiona and vision Q, elusive and that aghs, oh my god! imagine this with 7.07 medusa (who has solar crest buff all the time ofc)...
                                                  once you finally burned all of her mana - ZAP - back tp full. rip.


                                                    Autism? Juggernut pos 5?

                                                    Jonas Kahnwald

                                                      He mean he want play as cancer support.