General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you lead?

How do you lead? in General Discussion
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    It seems to me, this game would give you lower tier players 50% of the time to balance your win rate.

    So share with me which hero you pick when you know you are paired up with lower level players? And whats ur strategy?

    Luna, play mid carry, gank a lot and carry as agility hero. Works best against illution heroes

    Sand king, play as roaming support, gank a lot. Win team fights.

    Chaos knight, play as safelane carry. Push lanes with teams.

    Abaddon, for going against shitty heroes such as techies and bloodseeker. Buy blademail and tank all damage.

    Treant, support, heal before anyone going to gank. Win teamfights with aoe ulti...

    How about you?


      get 45 kills

      Potato Marshal

        Luna, play mid carry, gank a lot

        The fuck?

        casual gamer

          she has pretty good base damage, aoe, high ms, and a teamfight ult

          if ur playing against retards im sure it works


            It appears your teammates are the ones getting matched with a Low tier player LUL

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              everything works in 1k anyway

              and ye, r u talking about urself in that sentence op, the low tier player one, cuz ur winrate is sub 50%

              Last Hit

                Bro jacked, why cant you just be a nice person and say i spam juggernaut?


                  Keep it real Brother. Keep it real

                  Cancer Malaria


                    Last Hit


                      I used to have 56% winrate before 7.07.... i used to play with people around level 40+ and always get commends. Lately, ive been getting level 14-24.

                      Its frekin insane, i have to support carry and gank.

                      7Mad About You

                        This tips for Herald skill (below 1k MMR)


                          How to be nice when you deserve the truth. You're the reason m8

                          Potato Marshal

                            i used to play with people around level 40+

                            That's such a herald thing to brag about.


                              You can't just pick a single hero for a single role. There are no default picks for roles. You have to pick the right hero for the job... And Luna mid is not a thing. She can't go against a real mid hero if you have even a remotely competent player against you.

                              And go play ranked games, people actually try there...


                                When I "lead" I usually play support hero's since I know that nobody else will and I try to make plays like smokes, ganks, pushes etc. Sadly I'm bad at the game in general and my medal rank might as well be wood 1 so the people I play with are brain-dead already. But hey it's the thought that counts right?


                                  I play CM and hope for the best