General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA: Never Pick These Heroes

PSA: Never Pick These Heroes in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Timbersaw, Slark, Centaur, Spectre, Alchemist, Nature Prophet

    They all sucks ball and only feeding. Like seriously, maybe spectre is still OK. but the rest on this list is just FEEDING SPREE. its not because of you, Its because the hero SUCKS.

    Ok. Thanks for reading


      centraur is bad? i donot think so

      Fee Too Pee

        Nah dude i do not see how centaur is usefull in my mmr.

        He cannot trade hits well. His 2nd skill basically hurts himself. Cannot escape in laning phase. Forever stun animation.

        ALL IN MY GAMES (including me playing as centaur himself). Centaur just feeding and useless


          Why would timber feed unless picked into magical burst

          Fee Too Pee


            Timbersaw got killed by dazzle + drow ranger

            You do not get your lvl power spike in time. You basically useless
            That timbersaw literally lvl 2, 6 minutes in

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              Nature's prophet is actually pretty good if you know how to play him properly.

              Super Speed Snail

                Yeah, if the players share the same skill level. The difference between heroes become so much apparent.

                Good thing im in low MMR. Still be able to spam spectre and get "not bad" result.

                In this bracket, heroes doesnt matter. The players are.


                  Drow lvl 6 can fuck with timber hard if she's way Ahead. But It shouldn't be that ez to kill timber since it's all physical


                    Prophet on the lane is totally fine


                      I love how dogshit slark is now

                      Player 345996680

                        funny how its all still just skill dependant.

                        you need to be above your opponent in terms of skill to play these heros, or at least pick them in good core/lane matchups. Like timber is probably a mid or other solo lane hero, not a rambo offlaner.


                          When i pick cent in 3k mmr i get vanguard min 6 and heart min 15 and i end towers in 20 min
                          Whats peoblem?

                          NP too , rush necro 3 and push

                          Timber max CHAINS first lvl 8 skilbuild is this 1 4 3 1

                          Chains are most op early spell in game 250 pire dmg for 4 seconds plus u can chase and run away and is cheap mana


                            buff cent pls


                              Centaur is good
                              Spectre is ok
                              Timber is situationally viable

                              I do agree with slark, and alch tho they're really bad, but even then they can still work, just probably not worth the risk of picking.

                              Timbersaw still can get overwhelmed by a drow starts physical dmg, but other then that and magical burst, and rupture or Mana leak, it's really hard to kill timbersaw. U just gotta know when to pick him.


                                Never pick spectre guys. She’s only the hero that wins the most games whenever she is picked.


                                  washed up st fu pls dumb 1k baboon you have no clue about dota stop giving you dumb opinion on everything thx

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    if you know how to play him properly.

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      unfortunately NO ONE FUCKING KNOW HOW TO PLAY NP IN MY BRACKET


                                        timber is still situational. plus him being picked limits the hero pool the enemy wants to have
                                        whenever theres weak laneing support that cant harass timber will have the time of his life.

                                        his biggest problem is, ppl forgot how to play around him. hes the perfect frontliner for a drow setup where you wanna just push tier 2 at 12 minutes. he just goes in and tanks it, not moving away unless he wants to kill sth


                                          Spectre is not strong. He's situational af


                                            Maybe instead of roasting me u might as well say "x is wrong and here is why"
                                            Instead u wasted my time reading ur meaningless comment.
                                            I mean by pointing out why I'm wrong don't u even make urself a better roast?
                                            Np is hard to play so wud not recommend.
                                            I play timber mid against weak melee laners like dk.


                                              Spectre is very strong pick vs tinker. When it comes to prophet, I played against some divine prophets and I could not farm at all - constant harass. And Np has high base dmg allowing him to dominate early game and finish the game fast. Alchemist is awful right now. Slark still situational against tanky line ups.

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                btw just to make clear. This is for around < legend 5. Where majority people match making at.

                                                These heroes keep ruining my games especially Nature Prophet. Fuck that hero, so useless


                                                  dear washed

                                                  Centaur is shit, unless you are flat 2k and supps afk sit in lane
                                                  spectre is dogshit, unless you are 2k and every coresafk jungles for 60 minutes and allows spectre to get 6 slotted


                                                    Please check for urself
                                                    Centaur only dips low at 5k+
                                                    Even at 4k he is a 54% Winrate hero
                                                    He is statistically not shit.
                                                    Same with Spectre.
                                                    U realize the hero does shit before 6 slots, just cuz it's a greedy hero doesn't mean it's bad.
                                                    I mean just look at the meta carries rn.

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      Cent is kind of underwhelming since it's so easy to screw over his early game, but spec is still really strong. Even idiots in 5k still get caught out alone and try to fight through haunt.

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Dude, winrates do not really show a hero is shit or not.

                                                        When Morph have 50 winrate, is it balanced? NO IT DOES NOT. because morph is supposed to be hard to play. Not for everyone to play

                                                        I never see a centa that not feed in offlane.
                                                        Spectre what i see always grab vanguard + blademail because he cannot do shit in lane. (Radiance timing is too late, and lost anyway)


                                                          Spectre is great at the moment. You just have to support her properly. Others are crap.


                                                            Winrates mean less when the hero is difficult or hard to execute
                                                            I'm pretty sure that's not the case for either cent or spec
                                                            And we rnt talking abt whether they are rlly fucking good or broken.
                                                            They win games simple as that.


                                                              I agree with Washed Up. Both spectre and centaur are decent heroes right now. They arent the best laners. Centaur becomes great after blink + 1 minor item and his farming mechanisms and talents are good enough for him to scale into the lategame better than most offlaners. Spectre is decent if your supports are strong enough to secure you a good lane.


                                                                Timber is situational and you want pick him only when you know you can put him in a favourable 1v1 matchup against a melee strenght hero.


                                                                  ^it doesn't have to be a strength hero, it can just be a mainly physical dmg melee one, them being strength is just a bonus.


                                                                    Centaur is real easy to zone and beat 1v1 when the hc gets levels.

                                                                    Timber is usually a non-factor.

                                                                    Spec is good if you have a strong safe lane that can zone the offlaner out.

                                                                    Slark is a weird one. When I'm against Slark, he gets 10 mins treads sb and walks around the map farming heroes. When Slark is on my team, he goes 10 min midas and 20 min sb and is a total non-factor all game.

                                                                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                      timber is shit this patch , not worth picking if there isnt 3+ strength hero in enemy team!


                                                                        Know when to pick timber and ur fine

                                                                        주 롄양

                                                                          alche supoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooort


                                                                            wtf am I reading?

                                                                            Friendly player

                                                                              timbersaw deals ridiculous damage early although he needs a rework on his passive, the only reason you should get it maxed is if you push 24/7. you will die before you even get 10 reactive arm stacks.


                                                                                ^which is why u sit in creeps first


                                                                                  from my experience as Centaur, you die 5 times in lane but once laning ends and you get blink and a regen item you're suddenly useful.
                                                                                  Also your ult can change the game if used right.


                                                                                    ^idk why u guys are dying 5 times in lane it's not that hard to stay alive
                                                                                    The guy has almost 1k hp by lvl 5, u can just hoofstomp and walk away in most cases.

                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                      Cent is too easy to zone out in this meta. All his abilities are basically melee range and he just gets kited around too easily. No real escape, and his only form of survivability is a very short aoe stun, his starting hp honestly isn't even that great, he just has high strength growth.


                                                                                        Cent is strong. Spec is strong, np is fine.
                                                                                        If you die with cent over and over in lane it’s because you aren’t playing him at his power spike.
                                                                                        Lvl 5/6 cent is extremely strong.

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                        Player 281121816

                                                                                          Centaur abd underlord are the best offlaner brother. If u suck with it, it doesnt mean the hero are bad


                                                                                            Lvl 6 cent is a double kill 1v2, the hero becomes extremely threatening, especially if ur 1-2 levels ahead.
                                                                                            I agree with what potato marshal said, his earlier levels are weak, but u can do things like abuse tree vision, fuck up creep agro, etc.


                                                                                              Well centaur only good when enemy hc is melee. But i rather pick mk offlane 24/7 rather than shitty centaur.
                                                                                              Centaur is bad they are more offlane Hero better than him

                                                                                              Forget me not

                                                                                                Everyone said centaur is bad right now but I'm still playing it and it seems fine to me in offlane with 1 vs 2 situation. The only nerf to him that I know is the removal of PMS.


                                                                                                  noob should not advise

                                                                                                  A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                                                                                    lul low mmr players think they so good


                                                                                                      I literally haven't seen a Slark this patch. I love it.


                                                                                                        MK OFFLANE HAHAA
                                                                                                        Mk is in a bad spot rn, lvl 1 jingu isn't good enough to do anything, pms removal is huge for him. Arguing mk offlane is better than centaur makes no sense.