General Discussion

General DiscussionSimplest hero to understand.

Simplest hero to understand. in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Not the simplest to play, necessarily...but simplest to execute a gameplan with. Dragon Knight for instance, you push the lane, take tower. Push other lanes with team, take those towers, take roshan, push again. Win if that push is successful, lose if your push is not. xD Can't get any simpler to understand this lad's gameplan. In your opinion, what other heroes are there whose roles can be described in such simplistic terms?

    Tu tayta


      Win the lane --> win another lane if you stomped the initial one hard enough --> place wards and buy detection --> buy utility items if you have enough money --> hope your cores aren't retarded --> lose.

      Palmen aus Plastik

        you have an insane winrate with lich. come now :D


          yeah lich


            hope your cores aren't retarded --> lose.



              Lone Druid is a pretty brain dead hero and you can easily solo carry games with the same routine every game.


                Sniper. There is not much to understand about him. Simplest to have big impact? Lich for sure.

                Pale Mannie

                  stomp lane -> rightclick some heroes in teamfights -> rightclick towers -> repeat rightclicking heroes

                  Fee Too Pee

                    Here a list of simplest hero for newbie mate:

                    Spirit breaker
                    Vengeful Spirit
                    Witch Doctor

                    Dragon knight maybe


                    assuming you do not really want the details on them and want to play heroes with straight foward mechanic

                    Forget me not

                      Funny why no one mention riki, camp their mid and their rune won your win .


                        Crystal maiden , vengeful spirit , wraith kIng , spirit breaker , Riki , sniper , Lich, PA .


                          PA, no explanation needed i guess.


                            Simplest to understand r very cookie cutter heroes who do the same shit every game.
                            Smth like am or slark
                            Maybe even huskar

                            Potato Marshal

                              Venge, Lich, PA, and Ogre.

                              Gyattysburg Addrizz

                                Ursa? Maybe not to play well, but you can win games just by running at the enemy for half an hour whereas with to play a decent am you need to know how to farm, which seems to be a sore spot for a lot of new players.


                                  Meepo tinker invoker ta Chen ld

                                  Tu tayta


                                    Lol, don't mind my winrates. They are all extremely inflated from heavy 5 man stacking.

                                    Palmen aus Plastik

                                      it seems many people are misunderstanding the question. Not simplest to play, but simplest to understand what to do in a game. Cookie cutter heroes and their jobs every game, as washed up correctly put it.

                                      In that sense, I cannot say for certain PA fits the mold. Knowing who to jump and more importantly, when to jump is hardly the same every game. AM would definitely be an example here. Farm till BF. Rat lanes all game, don't show up to teamfights until at least Manta and Basher. If you win the teamfight, push with team, if you lose, rat again. This repeats ad infinitum till game ends one way or the other.

                                      Tinker is also a classic example, rush travel boots, then splitpush all three lanes in a loop. TP to a fight throw a few nukes, get back to what you were doing. This hero has literally no other way to be played. Compared to someone like Naga Siren, Tinker is completely devoid of any nuances. It's the perfect muscle memory hero.

                                      In addition to this some posters pointed out Lich and Viper, I couldn't agree more with them. Game in game out, that is their job, and that is set in stone. With Viper, just start rightclicking at the first hero within your range. Getting a force staff to position well is the only additional requirement for that hero I believe. With Lich, I don't think Tu Tayta has left anything uncovered xD

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                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        most heroes are simple as fuck no need to make a big fuss out of it


                                          Tinker does have nuance
                                          But it's usually in ur skill build and also whether to farm jungle or push lanes
                                          Also his item builds have nuance and fluctuation as well
                                          Another example of a cookie cutter hero is slark
                                          U go sb echo almost every game, u farm away till shadow blade then u repeatedly ganks ez supports until u ball out of control.


                                            You have an aoe stun
                                            A nice cleave
                                            Some nice movement speed qnd armor buff
                                            Ult that increases your damage
                                            Just farm, stun and right-click

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                                              Any hero that can effectively take objectives easily is very simple. Like jugg with ward u can rosh , push easily. And u can just take towers methodically with your team, once u win the lane.