General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting a Physical Injury Playing games

Getting a Physical Injury Playing games in General Discussion
Julio Valiente

    Since I never saw a thread about gamers getting injured here I might as well create this thread. You may laugh at me and even call this thread stupid but this things can really happen to a person when playing a fast paced and action pack games like Mobas for an extended amount of time.
    During Christmas and New Year Break I played Dota everyday for more than 5 hrs each because I have 5 accounts (all NS) and every account had 5 or more LP games (Lol) (Le's not talk about my toxicity). I had to remove them so I can get those free treasures and somehow I manage to acquire the treasures in all 5 accounts. Now I have 5 treasures and an aching arm to compensate for that. My question is, what exercise/therapy are recommended to do when you get injured playing Video games? I can just ask the internet but I think I need to post it here first so that other gamers will become more aware of this and hopefully someone will give a useful and thoughtful answer.


      Bruh, you're normie as fuck.

      There's nothing wrong with your arm, other than being a lil bitch



        Cheap Laugh Guy

          There were a few threads like that
          Ergonomic position is really important for hardcore players

          Cheap Laugh Guy


            Pretty okay read
            I can't afford all those gaming chairs and shit but I learnt to adjust my arm position so it doesn't strain

            Justin Weaver

              Playing for hours doesn't mean you sit in the same position all the time, after each game take a five minute break, use the washroom, walk around the house a bit and do something that makes your body move! Sitting in that chair for five hours is straight dumb


                My aunt had to operate arm since her job was alot on computer

                She grew up some dead liquid idk how to call that on her left arm and operated it and now she is resting cant work

                Its rly serious thing

                Julio Valiente

                  @Deleted Whenever I played for long hours I always take a 5 min break and drink 2 glasses of water to stay hydrated and sometimes I try to do some stretching. Now what you said is alarming me because I usually work and play on my computer when I'm on a school break. Did your aunt have some kind of therapy or did she took some medicine after she was operated?

                  Julio Valiente

                    @I WUV YOU SHO MUCH ❤ I cant afford those things right now because I'm still studying and part rime jobs are really hard to find in my area. Still I thank you for giving the links, I never thought they post something like this here. Maybe they should have highlighted this kind of article so more people will know how to properly position themselves when taking a long session in-front of their computer.

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                      Bro she went to hospita they said she has a liquid dirty thing inside her arm and was big eniugh to see it with ur eyes

                      It hallen to ppl who long time spend on computer ususlly older ppl she is 43

                      I mean it wont happen to u but after some years it can and depends if ur fat guy or hot

                      Its no joke thing if needed go chec doctor

                      Palestine 4EVER

                        EG.Fear was forced to stop playing for quite a long time a few years ago due to arm injury after playing too much dota, so it's not just "normies" that could have such problem.

                        If you don't have the money to buy some fancy gaming stuff, then your best bet is to take break every a few games. The longer you play, the longer your break should be.


                          5 hours a day that's it? lol. I used to play diablo III 12 hours a day when I was unemployed. Now that I'm employed I can be seen programming for 6 hours and then straight to dota for 6 hours. Ez pz.

                          Edit: I have a harmon miller computer chair, a sit/stand desk and everything else ergonomic. Might be your issue.

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                          casual gamer

                            my truly amazing mostly horizontal posture has apparently let me avoid injury when i used to play 13 games of dota a day