General Discussion

General DiscussionWould any kind soul be willing to take a look and critique my gamepla...

Would any kind soul be willing to take a look and critique my gameplay? (Legend 4 - 3900 mmr) in General Discussion

    I'm new to dotabuff and I was wondering if anybody would be willing to take the time to check out my replays and tell me what they think I could improve on/what I'm doing right? I really wanna reach Ancient medal before this season ends. Special emphasis on my offlane/support games (I only play mid when I queue with my lower ranked buddies) featuring void/enigma/lion/clockwerk/etc.

    Would really appreciate any responses!

    Thanks <3


      im not watching any replays, just checked a few game stats

      pretty good core player from my perspective. high kda in your mid and offlane games, consistantly winning lanes. you only loose games when you loose your lane, so it seems like you lead your team to finish games after you won your lane?

      imo work on recovering from bad lanes, learn to play from behind.
      your supporting looks poor compared to your core play. low kill participation, alot of deaths, greedy itembuilds. as a player who is used to core role im sure you initiate on your own or go first when smoked (do you purchase smokes as support?), go to ward agressively without cover... can work out with a highly mobile team, but usually you will just die alot.


        Thanks for responding!

        Hmm I agree, I feel like I'm a snowballing kind of player as a core. I think it's cause I tilt HARD (I don't flame or anything I just stop thinking clearly) when I lose my lane so I have a hard time recovering.

        And thanks I do make those mistakes as a support player. I tend to play really aggressive though I have to say that I rarely get picked off while warding. but yeah definitely gonna check out where i get my deaths



          be ready for alot of trash input btw

          this forum is 90% trolling, 9% sub 2k players analyzing 5k games and 1% usesul


            Washed up's pro advice incoming

            Lruce Bee

              You have a specific game you want analyzed? I might do it when I have time. It's hard to judge on stats alone (esp support play)


                no, eddie this is even better xD


                  Maybe you could check out one of my clockwerk games (support) or void (offlane)

                  Thanks mate! Cheers!


                    im gonna watch the 37min loss on clock in the afternoon. you did well yourself but both storm and troll suffered for some reason. your job as sup is to enable them


                      Oh that game was such a weird and put of the ordinary game though :( the troll refused to lane altogether and chose to jungle for some reason so me and the other support were forced to occupy safe lane. Sad.


                        We’re all waiting for HanSolo’s input on the 37 minute clockwork game


                          oh no we already know what that dude is gonna say...
                          skip tangos and clarities, buy perservance. brown boots after aghs.

                          if i was in a game where a troll refused to lane... why didnt you just play around the storm and make sure he has a great game?
                          you could also give safelane to axe and take over the offlane yourself.


                            you're trash, melt is even worse. Both of you git gud

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              Asking other people for advice on how to get better is worthless. Give yourself the skills to analyse and improve your own play, When do you hear about pros getting coached? Wanna climb the ladder? Learn to be self sufficient.


                                you're trash, melt is even worse. Both of you git gud

                                what he wants to say is "welcome to dotabuff, you may not argue with 5k+, and you suck if youre not 5k"


                                  Yes you do suck, however I also suck, we all suck bar the very few players at the top of the ladder. I'm giving you some good advice, the time you spend playing pubs and analysing your own play instead of posting on dotabuff is far more productive


                                    Don’t get me wrong man, I watch my own replays all the time of course. It’s just that other people’s perspectives can be helpful and can help you see things you might have overlooked. Even pro teams have coaches (the way fly and the rest of OG value 7ckingMad says a lot).

                                    Not to say your advice is completely wrong though. Im just legend 4 trash tryna git gud



                                      Good points all round actually. I feel like the statement I made earlier was incorrect, in fact based on your response Im sure coaching can be very useful for some people. I'll take a look at your replays over the weekend if you like.

                                      I'll sling you an add and give you some feedback, Any games in particular you prefer me to watch?


                                        alright no need for me to do the work then


                                          Based on your profile you’re more of a core player it seems. Maybe you could check out some of the games where I play core? Or maybe my clockwerk games because I’m still rather new to playing him as a 4/5



                                            Which server do u play ?


                                              Sea server my friend


                                                Who is this beast guy and why is he so angry? who hurt you kid?


                                                  Hi op can I add you?


                                                    Sure! Pls do


                                                      Can't private profile!!


                                                        Ragnar seemed such a chill dude on Vikings..


                                                          OH dang I never knew I had a private profile! Gonna figure out how to change that hahahaa