General Discussion

General DiscussionWas this slark a smurf?

Was this slark a smurf? in General Discussion
Lruce Bee

    They were playing as 4 because their spirit breaker was feeding for most of the game. But this slark was basically fighting 3-4 heroes at once and destroying us. There was literally nothing we could do even with farm and some Gold from spirit breaker feeding. It's really quite frustrating to play against a hero that capitalizes on the lack of coordination for lower brackets. The hero is way too overpowered, stacking 100 ability and becomes untargetable in his cloud while my teammates just stand there getting hit not knowing what to do.

    I'm not usually one to complain about my teammates, but if I'm playing against a smurf I need teammates who know what to do. I honestly feel some heroes should be permabanned from lower brackets to prevent such one sided games.

    Machado98 #xatubaking

      probably not a smurf, slark just thrives in the chaos that is lower brackets. Btw, that abadon build is insane, specially with another carries in the team. My advice: learn to support. I know it can be frustrating to play with retards but the other team had 4 shadow blades. A few sentries in the map and your team wouldn't have died as much and could even get some kills, 1 kill on the slark would already boost your team hard in networth. I suggest Chen in your bracket, it can be hard to learn but it is worth it, super fun hero and really broken in lower brackets where none knows his power, I am high 2k mmr and can solo kill carries as chen the whole game, besides you get a ton of heals and you get to send your teammates to your base, you have no ideia how many games I won just because my carry wouldn't die even though he was dumb and suicidal.


        you think you can complain about your teammates with your item build? besides the 2k tower damage you were probably just as useless as they were

        Machado98 #xatubaking

          And I agree with you, some heroes should be banned from Solo Ranked Matchmaking just because it requires a crazy amount of teamwork to shutdown such as slark, tinker


            Well, you didnt have any heroes that could deal with the slark. Abaddon is food, Sniper is food, Lifestealer is food. Your other two heroes would be good against Slark if they were at least somewhat farmed. It was just a free game for Slark. That's it. Pretty much any player could go rampant as a Slark in this game.

            TLDR: no smurf

            Lruce Bee

              It's true blood could deal with slark but we needed to be together as a team for it to work, otherwise he just manfights you. But he was never there when slark was running rampant. Everyone was just getting picked off. Even with sentries down and we could spot slark, it didn't matter. He would just pounce you and kill you anyway.

              Lruce Bee

                I had the most farm and most damage and tower damage. So I don't think my build was the issue here. If your 4 carry team's feeding non stop, and I decided to support them, we'd just lose faster.


                  Ehh no? You lost because the farm was not distributed efficiently. Some heroes only thrive when getting a lot of farm (carries usually) while others don't need that much farm to be useful (Abaddon for example). That's why 5-Core-Lineups will never work. Sometimes you have to make space for the other cores instead of farming non-stop.


                    having stats better than 500 mmr players isn't saying much. and it doesn't mean you wouldn't have had more impact in that game with a more optimised build.


                      Your build is awful an abaddon with 6 slots will never match a true 1 position with 6 slots learnto.judge your role in a game.

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                      I Smoked Your Nanna's Ashes

                        I felt compelled to comment on this.... Probably not a smurf but you never know. Two major points with sub-points to why you got wrecked.

                        My first point would be look at your picks.... Like really? You can have no complaints about being stomped if your team went 5 man carry (in games I PURPOSELY save my pick for last as I will pick support if I have too regardless of my team) and lost in 36mins, all your picks are late game heroes. Sub-point, of your team and picks, none off you supported, and look at your heroes in terms of abilities, your team has NO stuns and NO disables, so of course Slark could go run round and do whatever he wanted... How did you plan on stopping him with no lockdown? Greedy picks. In future I would look at the team in terms of abilities and make sure it is as well rounded as possible and make sure it is, even if you alone are the difference. If you are struggling with picks, maybe use some websites to help you gather familiarity with heroes and learn their abilities, having more knowledge in the new players bracket is a huge bonus.

                        Second major point is your lanes, because you didn't have any support your lanes and chose to lane carrys together no one got any real farm.... Slark had double the farm of 3/5 of your team which shows how bad you were all at farming this game. As your team had no support you hardly bought any wards (observers/sentries). Dust is not enough as he (Slark) will initiate with a shadow blade therefore he will appear before anyone can react, you needed to be proactive (sentries) than reactive with dust as dust is pointless by the time he jumps on someone. That many deaths on your team looks to me like your positioning as a group is really poor and you fought in some really bad places when you were already losing.

                        Slark isn't OP and anyone can have an amazing game/run with the right conditions, I am currently on an 9 game winning streak and in games with multiple different heroes going 25-6, 10-3, 8-0, 17-6 etc, and I DEFINITELY NOT the best player in the world!

                        Any questions or even if you would like to play a few games with me, just add me and let me know!

                        Happy DOTO, always enjoy the games, if you are getting stressed/annoyed/angry, turn it off and come back to it later - it is only a game! :D

                        Machado98 #xatubaking

                          "Even with sentries down"
                          I opened the game in the client, your team only bought 1 sentry and 3 dusts the whole game and I was thinking, slark couldn't be smurf, unless it was an archon smurf, or guardian. Not going Silver Edge against your team is really dumb

                          Lruce Bee

                            I must be remembering incorrectly. He probably just ran up invis in tower vision. Thanks for the word of advice and encouragement. So aside from drafting better (which is impossible because people pick what they want here), all I see is to put sentries down and hope slark walks under it with 5 of us waiting. I'm not sure that's even possible to coordinate and which is why slark should be banned in games where your team just cannot coordinate.


                              106 lasthits in 36 minutes ? clearly not

                              Justin Weaver

                                A tank build on abaddon would have yielded better results, with radi, bm, heart, cuirass, octarine etc, it's not much of a help against Slark in any case but bm is really helpful, if ur bs can rupture him all the time Slark should be easy kill. And pl works really well against him as well. Well for five core team to work, you need to go really late game.

                                Cheesy Wenis

                                  Your team only purchased 4 wards for the entire game, and only used 3 of them. You purchased 2 dusts and only ever used 1.

                                  The enemy team purchased 9 wards. They had 3x more vision than your team, enabling them to gank and get fed.


                                    I mean, he could be hypothetically. But he would have to be like a 2k smurf or something. Low cs, lots of deaths, slow items. Low HD for such a low MMR.

                                    I would have done much much better.

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      Yeah he could've been a crusader smurf. Not saying he is an archon or above. Although I'm not sure it would've made any difference. He got more than thirty kills and we already knew there was no way to win. He didn't have to farm. He died "a lot" simply because he was going in 1v5. It's just completely ridiculous.


                                        The real question isn't whether he is a smurf..


                                          Wait wait waiity a bit of a moment right here... i smell smothing fishy 😧😯
                                          What’s a smurf? And why is he thrashing you Ohh Great Lord Solo?!
                                          I thought 1-2-3-4 k players are the same? Same skill, same knowledge but oh wait difference in reflexes?
                                          So now ur admiting that you can’t deal with even 2.5 k crusader punk ass junk smurfs?
                                          You are a hypocrite, a noob and a useless troll please get off these forums for good

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            My Central premise, if you care to read, is that he picks a hero that takes advantage of a lack of coordination which is basically what defines lower brackets.


                                              People forget that TP isn't just for getting back to lane after dying, but can also be used to teleport back to fountain if being engaged upon by, oh I don't know, a Slark who didn't build any TP cancel...


                                                Okay so pick Slark, win games, climb Mmr ez ?

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  If I picked slark I could easily get out of this shit hole. It's how Dota works. But I refuse to play that hero.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    ^any hero can help to get out of your shithole, u just have to play with 2 hands

                                                    The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy

                                                      Doesnt look like hes a smurf. Your line up was the problem. Its a cancer line up.Thats exactly why playing in 1k or 2k mmr range is frustrating.Some poeple in this range simply doesnt have the right size of the brain to understand how proper picking is executed. Everybody wants to be the farmer carry etc.Then when a carry fromm the enemy was fed all end up blaming "noob pick, no support, fail bot fail top etc"


                                                        Probably not a smurf, but you made it easy for him. No detection and there is no way a 5 core lineup can match the farm rate of a slot 1 carry from the enemy team.

                                                        You have 4 heroes without any good farm and incorrect items on the Abaddon... You have no regen and you don't have blade mail. You are just a snack for Slark, he could probably just hit you through your ult and basically kill you twice... And Slark is one of the weakest carries in Dota at the moment. He just doesn't work all that well, when there is an actual team he has to go against.

                                                        Friendly player

                                                          Slark is weak af, but if he can get fed early the game is won.


                                                            Just how Bara died 21 times in this apparently "one-sided" game?


                                                              with a PL like that, you're playing a losing game, if you cannot kite Slark you lose; a Slark with a Divine +BKB in TI comes to mind, the enemy team had this brilliant fucking OD but he was just shut down by that slark and fucking 5 seconds of Divine Rapier damage, eventually ending the game although they were winning on towers; all because they didn't itemize well enough to kite him

                                                              p.s. idk if smurf but hero is OP if your team is shit

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                That was a smurf for sure. Probably MATUMBAMAN. Most likley, 99%.

                                                                Wreck heralds like that?!


                                                                  Slark did well because he's good vs your heroes. You guys had no stun/lockdown which is very important vs the hero. And just generally. He's considered risky to play in the pro scene because they know how to use stuns well. You guys have zero stuns.

                                                                  Besides the hero matchup, you're the closest thing to a support your team had. I'm a fan of maelstrom Abaddon, but you probably should have played less selfishly and more for your team. Keep the maelstrom, but use it to accelerate farm into grieves, solar crest, assault cuirass (look at all their physical damage!) and maybe lotus/linkens. Pipe if you're against a lot of magical. Yes the game was only 35 minutes long, and it probably felt over 15 minutes before that, but with your build you were possibly afk farming instead of helping your team.

                                                                  Aphotic shield is *extremely* good vs single target heroes, when a slark, spirit breaker or lc is on top of someone. The purpose of your hero is to teamfight and help others. Your Q and W are extremely spammable and dish a lot of damage with only levels, as well as save your teammates.

                                                                  I play a very greedy Abaddon

                                                                  But I build for my team, not to farm. Solar crest and lotus, and I roam super early. I build selfish items only when we snowball the early game.

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                                                                    just shutdown his farm early on. the reason he won is as people have said, there's no lockdown. but that's not the no1 reason why slark is good. slark is good as OP has said, against uncoordinated teams. basically teams that are never in position to help each other out. u can have 5 heroes with disables and it wouldnt matter if your teammates are all split getting picked off.