General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane Doom

Offlane Doom in General Discussion

    I've been playing a bit of offlane doom lately and I am looking for a cheap and useful armor item for the early game. Is Ring of Agila worth buying on doom? Or should I skip it and go for something else?
    I was thinking that RoA gives me both Mana regen and Armor but usually other heroes might have more Need for the item (Agi heroes etc.)

    When should I consider Building it? Or just leave the ring of basilusk?

    Highly appreciate the Feedback!


      Get purple satyr for sustain . I dont think bassilus or aquila will do anything . Get phase and drum and hit people with max infernal blade


        get the guy who roots always, then later either the damage bonus or the AoE stun


          if your looking for mana regen and armor go medallion. its a little more than aquila but you can also upgrade to solar crest.


            oh also i find Doom very easy to play (generally play it in my Guardian 3 acc to counter Invoker lol) and it's easy enough that I make a Midas to get that XP asap

            SASA POPOVIC

              Get basilus, you gotta have midas its nice with devourer so no matter how much they zone you out you will still have exp and farm, dont fight without scorched earth, satyr is must have in early game, i personaly like rege bots which i upgrade to BoT later on when i get my AC, because doom without AC is dead one, also Blink for that fucked tinker and eat that Troll thingy for net if he decides to be a smartass and build linken!


                ok thanks guys.

                Story Time

                  dont max devour, your other skills are much better and one point in devour is fine but not more, u max it the last... check top player build instead of asking question btw

                  Potato Marshal

                    Max scorched earth most of the times, enemies really underestimate its healing. Infernal blade is okay if you're against a really easy lane. Wouldn't go full aquila though, might as well just leave it as a basilius and sell it later, or upgrade to vlads.

                    Also please don't listen to the guy telling you to get midas.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      im pretty sure if you get 1 point of devour and max w or e instead + go phase instead of midas you can get an easy kill once you get level 6 on almost every hero in the game.

                      Potato Marshal

                        Doom's bonus gpm assuming he's always using devour off cooldown, is 21, 50, 90, 150. The first level of devour is basically a free bonus ability or two from neutrals, the other 3 skill points are essentially shitty gpm talents that you get earlier than usual with a mana cost. The biggest increase is from level 3 to 4, which is still only a 60 gpm increase, and thats assuming you always use it off cooldown.

                        Story Time

                          ^THANK YOU :D
                          PS Midas sucks on ANY hero now

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            buy buckler. puppey does it almost every game. along with the active it gives 7 armor. you can also get tranq boots if you want cheap armor. for mana regen just get drums and raindrops, maybe some clarities every now and then.

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              tranqs dont give armor for more than a year now

                              Story Time

                                Aggressive Perfector is busted and can be refered to as noob now! Yeppie!

                                Pale Mannie

                                  maxing Infernal Blade hurts any hero who had the intention of merely scraching your majestic presence in their(actually your) lane


                                    u go infernal blade max in an easy lane, scorched earth max in a harder lane

                                    midas is ok sometimes but u dont rlly need it in any game, its nice sometimes but not even near to core

                                    just go phase drums in the early game, basi is ok sometimes if u want vlads but aquila is unneeded

                                    imo satyr creep is overrated, u already have good regen on scorched earth, ur better off getting a tomato or centaur or ice armor creep or some other useful ability in the early game, late game grap an alpha wolf

                                    medallion is nice, not always needed but still a good item


                                      Thank you all.
                                      One more question regarding the Level 20 Ability: When to take Doom DPS and when Devour Ancient?
                                      Since Alpha wolve is so strong for lategame is it ever worth going for the ancient creeps or you always take the extra DPS on Doom?

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        yeah im dumb w/e. get buckler though.

                                        Story Time

                                          doom pds is pretty standard, ancients are very situational


                                            Forget that Midas exists on this hero. You get much more value out of drums or vlads, allowing you to snowball hard out of the offlane, with max earth you are basically untouchable for the first 20 min. With Midas you are just another 0 armor creep that needs 25 min of farm before becoming active. If you need armor in the lane - eat the blue ogre creep, he’s basically a free Lich in your lane


                                              I calibrated divine 0 and got to divine 5 in a month while using offlane doom as one of my most played heroes, i was on a 19 winstreak with him, so i'll give you some tips.

                                              1. Don't Start with devour. The jungle creeps only spawn at the 1 minute mark and lane creeps arent worth devouring so early. You usually want to get infernal blade lvl 1 so you can actually trade harrassment with the support(s) trying to zone you out. If you're pulling the creepwave or find yourself in a sticky situation get scorched earth.

                                              2. Your starting items should be Stout shield, Tango, Salve, Branch + Fairy fire/mango. Follow it up with Boots at the side shop, finish your wand and get a windlace. If you feel like your lane is going well get a raindrop and upgrade it to urn (+2 armor) and try to move around the map or call supports to your lane to try and force some engagements. You're insanely strong once you hit lvl 6/7. If you feel like you have armor issues look for Ogre/Wildkin creeps or get a buckler (its really good even if you aren't intending to upgrade it to crimson)

                                              3. Most useful creeps for early game are Satyr (regen) and Hellbear because they allow you to clear the creepwave faster with their nukes so you can farm and pressure the lane. Also Hill troll priest with mana regen is pretty good. Big Centaur/ Troll are good if you're going for kills. Late game you usually want to keep either Ice armor ogre or Alpha wolf. If you have trouble with linkens and you didn't build an item to disable it yet get the Troll with ensnare because he can disable it even through bkb.

                                              4. Your core items for the early/mid game are phase and drums, I personally prefer blink over shadow blade. If you're up against CK, PL or Meepo get crimson. If their team is more heavy on magic damage get pipe. After blink/sb its on you to decide whether you want to get Shivas or BKB. Late game get refresher. If you need to an item to break linkens, most of the time halberd is the best option.

                                              5. As for the skillbuild i find 3-1-2-3-2-4-3-3 by level 8 to be the best in most situations. After that you can either max out scorched earth and get +10 dmg/heal talent if you want to keep fighting often. If the game has slowed down a bit and you want to farm, start putting points in devour. Dont take lvl 2 doom on lvl 12. It only scales in damage, (cooldown and duration remain the same) and you want to get your devour maxed out before you get the lvl 15 +150 devour gold talent.


                                                What do you skill at Level 20 or more specific when do you go for devour Targets ancient?

                                                Extra Sweet said it's very situational, but what are those situations?


                                                  I've seen mostly infernal blade max when doom is 1v1 against the carry
                                                  U get 2 points in scorched?


                                                    Well the only ancient camp really worth getting is the Prowlers, you can get them if you're having trouble with kiting the enemy carry while he has BKB activated such as sven or jugg/lifestealer in their bladefury/rage. The other ability, desecrate, is good to help you push out the waves and against high base armor targets such as terrorblade or morphling.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      Would you ever suggest going an octarine meme build and getting 500 bonus gpm from devour at lvl 15?


                                                        one more question, would dagger and aeon disk be potentially good on doom? Jump in --> doom --> regen with w and fight 5v4?
                                                        Don't really see anyone Building this, but thought since doom is applied not for the dmg but for the mute it might be a good item (especially taking into consideration that doom can use all the stats from the item?)


                                                          honestly do you really need armour when you are so fast with drums and unkillable with scorched earth


                                                            @I am numb 2 points in scorched earth just for the good measure although my actual skill build depends on how the game and the lane is going. The one i listed is just an example of what i take in an average lane. Of course if i their supports left the carry solo i'd just max infernal blade and keep hitting him.


                                                              @fritzthedog It doesn't look bad in theory. I haven't tried it out yet cause i felt the item gives you too little to be useful for the amonut of gold you have to spend on it. Maybe its better with the recent changes in 7.08


                                                                @Jacked You do. Otherwise you just get shredded apart if you get disabled.


                                                                  shredded apart by burst physical dmg early on? seems unlikely. but youre probably right since i dont play the hero.

                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    He does have no armor, but I remember how cancer it was laning against him once when he ate the ogre mage and would always cast ice armor on himself.


                                                                      A decent amt of heroes have high physical in the early to midgame
                                                                      Pa, Ursa, jugg with omnislash, weaver


                                                                        anyone ever going to devourer the ice ogre for the armor and slow? i do it a lot as doom in the offlane (when vs heroes with only right clicks) and the 8 armor are sick.

                                                                        imho ice ogre > sartyr.