General Discussion

General DiscussionHow could I climb from 1k to 2k-3k?

How could I climb from 1k to 2k-3k? in General Discussion

    Guys can you help me out with this? I seriously want to improve tho, could there be a chance for me to climb up?? Pls guys I really need your help, sometimes when I play ranked there are some annoying teammates who trashtalks everytime
    Pls guys help me out with this T_T, Respect for everyone tho...


      smurf players will say: skill will take you high

      people in 1k will say: will never happen


        But are there chances tho? You can check my profile out. Or am I just really that bad T_T


          Can you guys give me tips or something? I really want to raise my mmr right now, it's just hard that sometimes I get annoying teammates tho...


            Watch a 5k+ player perspective, learn the game and take your time learning it. So many 1k players just do things that have no meaning, leading to losing a winnable game based off of lack of game knowledge


              Thank you... Should I watch in GameLeap tho?


                Btw can I climb to 2k fast? And how could I do it? Need help tho


                  watch my replays :S


                    Learn to play carry or mid and play these roles alot. Try to focus on 2-3 heroes to learn for that role. Spam them. That's the fast way :) The longer way is to just play alot and learn the game.


                      Plug in your keybard

                      I LOVE LOLIS TRADEIT.GG

                        I actually have a hero pool that I spam tho. I mostly use anti mage, void, sven, and jugg when I carry, when I offlane I usually use axe, bristle, and Clockwerk, sometimes void also... You can check my acc tho :D

                        I LOVE LOLIS TRADEIT.GG

                          But I don't usually play mid, when I mid, sf is the only hero that I'm comfortable with and also PA

                          I LOVE LOLIS TRADEIT.GG

                            Woah Cookie you're actually a 6k player man! Can you help me out tho? I would really appreciate your help guys...


                              first step is to remove the cancerous anime profile picture. second step is to watch learn and try to execute

                              HUGO SCHNITZEL

                                100% core role play may be the problem that you will be in 1k forever :D

                                btw just got ranked from Archon 4 to Legend 2 during 3 weeks (1000+MMR). I must say that was impossible half year ago to get from 2k - constantly met cancerious players in MM. But I have learnt the best way to win the games is to win your offlane. Because when you win your offlane, their carry has no farm and you make bigger space for your carry.

                                Playing carry nowadays in solo ranked is very hard - you can meet the team full of core players (like you 100% core haha) and you will have no space and you just suck...

                                Recommending you to pick Bristleback on offlane, he is insanely strong and in your skill bracket they will not know how to deal with you.

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                                  Its possible, i just did it in the last months.
                                  What Hugo said is right, you can go offlane and make sure their carry gets wrecked. (I did this with SB.)
                                  Or you can play support and make sure your carry gets better farm (wards, giving him kills, healing salves e.g.).

                                  And yes, before people say it, its not possible, you can push your mmr with sup and roam chars....

                                  Just focus on a handful of heros, i sometimes did 20 games in a row with one, cause i firstpick SB or SS or Lich.
                                  I started (again) in Aug 2017 with around 1800 MMR, dropped hard to around 1100 and now i am higher then never before, 2950 atm.

                                  You will have a lot of fallbacks, i loste once 400mmr in one week, but after three weeks i had it back again.
                                  You have to stay postive even, if matchmaking is giving you one bad team after the other, it will change...

                                  When you can manage a 50%+ Winrate you will climb. My is atm around 53/54% and thats fine for me.

                                  Justin Weaver

                                    Playing since 2014,and still 1k :3,

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      By gaining 1000 mmr


                                        a lot of learning resources on the internet/youtube is geared towards helping 1k-2k players. if you are 1k it means you never really learned the game or understood a lot of the concepts. should be fairly easy to climb out assuming you have the will to learn

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                                        Potato Marshal

                                          You can start by actually playing ranked matches.

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                            by putting effort

                                            chicken spook,,,,


                                              Rogue Knight

                                                Hard work


                                                  By starting to not listen to dotabuff community advises


                                                    there are many chances,go watch youtube/some high mmr ppl replays at dotabuff
                                                    you can learn alot,and climb alot later
                                                    learn stuff first

                                                    I LOVE LOLIS TRADEIT.GG

                                                      Yes thats true, I actually played dota since 2014 and i was only a beginner that time.. I calibrated my solo at 2015 but still i was a fool by doing that coz i didnt learned all the stuffs there. But I now, I clearly understand the games, its just i dont play ranked anymore since 2016-2017. And by that i actually thinked how could i raise it fast

                                                      I LOVE LOLIS TRADEIT.GG

                                                        And im playing a carry and offlane role because many says that dont rely on your teammates in 1k bracket. Of course I know how to farm effectively, split push, decision making, stacking creeps for myself/sometimes for my midlaner teammates. But tho. You could watch my replays on my games and tell me whats pulling me off... But i really admit that im a 1k player ...

                                                        I LOVE LOLIS TRADEIT.GG

                                                          of course i pick an offlane roles too. I usually use axe, bristle, and clock and also sometimes i use void in offlane also especially if there`s an enemy Anti Mage... Could that be ok? But tho the real problem is some teammates are often annoying so i dont rely on them, just like other people say.


                                                            But I now, I clearly understand the games

                                                            first, you clearly don't. secondly, once you learn how to do be more efficient in 1k, and you still lose, it means you're not getting the right trades. split pushing, farming well is all done so you end up ahead reliably, i.e., you're getting the better trade. maybe you are but you suck so bad at fighting you just end up somehow feeding all your gold away instead of winning a decisive team fight and ending the game.

                                                            so while you learn to be more efficient, the next thing you gotta do is to stop trying to make the 'right' decision. i remember playing in 1k/2k and it's usually better to do a lot of unorthodox plays that you can get away with. there were some games were i played by the book and it turned out worse, just because of the way 1k players play. kinda hard to explain.


                                                              by eating something other than Monosodium Glutamat everyday.
                                                              Joke aside try to master some hero, increase map awareness, see your own cancer game, learn from it.

                                                              Then stomp the enemies and get better rank voila
                                                              (apparently 1-2k doesn't different that much)

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                                                                i suggest you find good teammates and play with them atleast as support, then when you 3k player you wil have alot xp form party and solo will be much easyer

                                                                The Bronze Age

                                                                  5 tips to raise MMR
                                                                  1 -Be a good teammate even though your teammates are Noobs or Toxic.
                                                                  2 -Communicate with them nicely. Dont trashtalk if they made a mistake, just tell them "Be careful next time" something like that
                                                                  3 -Dont focus on 1 role. Try other roles if your teammate picked a Carry Hero already. Try a Hero that can Offlane, Support etc.
                                                                  4 -Learn Map Awareness
                                                                  5 -Dont Feed.

                                                                  Crimson Sky

                                                                    Ok I'm not that much better than you maybe only +/- 700mmr or so but still.. I have looked at your profile and I see you have decent KDA on most of your last matches, but still losing on 20/4/4 Jugg.

                                                                    This suggests to me that you know how to farm (good) but that you can't convert that farm into objectives and ultimately end the game (bad). If you watch the pros in pub games (like the top 100 ranked player matches) they are over in 20-30mins most of the time because once a team gets an advantage they seize the initiative and overpower the enemy before they have a chance to get back into the game.

                                                                    Like if you're sat in the jungle farming that's ok but make sure you push the lane when you see enemy on other side of map. Don't sit in jungle afk waiting for 6 slot before you try and take objectives.


                                                                      Pick treant


                                                                        actually just play the game
                                                                        its not that hard

                                                                        Friendly player

                                                                          Few tips to raise MMR
                                                                          1. Play a hero you want to play.
                                                                          2. If a teammate makes a shit play try to repeatedly ping him.
                                                                          3. The only time you should buy wards is if you are playing midlane and you want to get runes.
                                                                          4. Don't try to 1v2 unless fed.
                                                                          5. Don't ever pick a hero you are not confident in.
                                                                          6. Also, killing is the easiest way of winning.
                                                                          gg ez after every win.
                                                                          7. Srsly stop playing more than 1 role at a time.

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                                                                            There's no a quick way to climb mmr like studying, working out, gaining muscles you have to work hard. Just study Dota, pay attention to details like clicking enemy and wathcing their mana, items.

                                                                            Like i told you, study, only work on 3 heroes and study them with replays, details about them, memorize their skills damage, effect on many heroes, numbers, i'm sure you will get better that way.


                                                                              PArty with someone who plays the role you are worst at and mow the enemies down together in lane. You'll get 3k party.

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                                                                              I LOVE LOLIS TRADEIT.GG

                                                                                I actually lost that jugg 20/4 coz my teammates abandoned

                                                                                mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                                                                  Git gud

                                                                                  P.S. New season in LoL. Time to grind to Platinum again :)

                                                                                  Banana Cat

                                                                                    i calibrated at 1.3k, now i'm 2.3k and still climbing

                                                                                    it is not impossible to get out from 1k, just get good and fight 1 vs 9..


                                                                                      Playing as a party is much more enjoyable , u can play core or supp as you like. Going solo que in your bracket is considered suicide (unless you 1 v 9 them)


                                                                                        First of all, do you think you have the skill of a 3k? If so, you will find that you can almost solo carry or make incredible comebacks or totally stomp when given free farm in your games. If you can't do that, your skill is not higher than the people you play with. But if it is so, you have two choices. 1: Create a smurf and calibrate. 2: Climb. First one might be the easier choice. In second one, you need to accept the fact that your teammates are cancerous brainless noobs and just solo carry them on your back. In my first account, I was guardian, now I am climbing there. I think right now my recent win rate is like 90% or higher. People in my games even say I am booster or something lol

                                                                                        P.S. You need to be actually good. So improve your gameplay, make yourself clear about the basics, learn the mechanics properly like what items/abilities do exactly. Watch other gameplay of the heroes you play for learning what to do in what situation.

                                                                                        Now that I look again, this is actually my first account, so you can check my games if you like.

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                                                                                        Julio Valiente

                                                                                          Since you were raised in Sea, you should already know that safe and mid are highly contested every match. So having a good laning stage is quite challenging. I suggest going offlane, still contested but not as frequent as the two mentioned. If someone picks a 4th carry and tried to contest your farm, dont worry just make sure that you get 2-3 creeps every wave and harass the enemy carry as often as possible. Hero choice for this strategy to work is 1.Can dominate lane 2.Good at harassing 3.Can kill during laning Stage 4. Can push tower (So prioritize physical damage item but dont forget survivability/utility ones. Your goal as an offlaner is to deny the farm of the enemy carry as best as you can but dont forget to get some creep also just dont forget to harass the enemy. Another thing you should do is to maintain the equilibrium, pull creeps(17s after creep respawn) and dont hesitate to tank creeps if enemy creeps are approaching the attack range of your tower as long as the enemy are not hitting you too much, 1-2 can be endured but more than that is not advisable. Now you said that your games are below 3k (This strat will work in 4k and below at best, just a rough estimation because this is sea) so expect your teammate to take meaningless and weird team fight eg. Fighting in bot lane when enemy t2 towers are down while other lanes still have t1 towers (Not all that bad but destrying the outer towers first is just safer). So what should you do when you think this will happen? Just go to other lane, if enemy creeps near your tower farm them, your creeps near enemy tower and your not sure where the enemy are farm the jungle, your creeps near enemy tower and enemy are far from that tower push it. Just rinse and repeat. Also when your split pushing t2 towers dont forget to buy and plant wards so you can react when enemy tries to gank you while destroying their tower. Do note however that this works besti in Sea where teamwork and communication are not yet discovered. Try this for about 10 games, if this does not work then you might want to watch your replays and make your own idea in climing mmr.

                                                                                          Julio Valiente

                                                                                            Forgot to add that you should make your range creeps die and deny it asap in laning stage so your creep will not push


                                                                                              Hello there, I am high 3k player who has a guardian 1 (at the time of this writing) smurf where I play exclusively mid.
                                                                                              The flaws even I can see at that level are the following:
                                                                                              - people aren't that good at last hitting/denying
                                                                                              - try to get overly aggressive when they shouldn't and vice-versa
                                                                                              - still go for some weird item builds
                                                                                              - don't focus enough on farming
                                                                                              - don't seem to understand that the objective is to take enemy ancient (with towers and barracks along the way) not afk farm jungle when enemy team is dead
                                                                                              - underestimate items like stick/fairy fire/rain drops and don't bring extra regen on lane when they need it, they just sit there low on mana/hp until they die

                                                                                              As a midlaner in that bracket I think it's important to get a playmaking hero that can snowball (qop/ember/sf/ta/storm). Focus early and farming and getting your core items fast. Crush your lane then proceed to join team in skirmishes to kill off heroes in other lanes and proceed to take towers whenever possible.
                                                                                              Also, don't forget about roshan if you can take it and force the issue.

                                                                                              That's kind of all for the time being..


                                                                                                ^wanted a crusader smurf but calibrated @ legend 2 Kappa , any tips to calibrate into crusader-archon ?


                                                                                                  @milk junkies i bought the account since I simply couldn't calibrate at that level :(

                                                                                                  best 10$ ever spent !!!

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