General Discussion

General DiscussionOn a losing streak cant figure out what should i improve

On a losing streak cant figure out what should i improve in General Discussion
Vermillon Qliphoth

    it seems like my last 20 games are just flatout out of my control its either a 18min game or a 50min where when mid but then the other team still pull through for some reason or of course so one won feeds or tries to steal mid and i dont know what im supposed to even do

    Yung Beethoven

      well sometimes shit like this happens. Dont let it get to yourself. After a long losestreak there will always be a long winstreak. i guarantee you that. For example, last year i had a crazy winstreak, got to 5,8k. Then i lost 800 MMR in like 2 months. Felt really bad, but a few months later i got even to 6k.

      Just see those games as improvements in your performance. Actually every game is kind of a training to get better.

      gl hf


        Red days happen mate, you lose 2-3 games in a row, then you tilt, then you play bad because you are mad and not focused, you rage on your teammates they play worse also because instead of playing the game they argue with you and so on, its a domino effect.

        Best thing to do is chill out take a walk, cool down a bit and start over fresh.

        Edit: For the last part i dont know really, i mainly play offlane but if someone insits and wants to fight me over it i dont mind to change to roamer or pure support so thats how i solve it.

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          Just stop playing when you are on a losing streak. Go relax watch some anime or sleep then you can just play again the next day when you forgot all about it. Don't worry my friend everyone have experience that losing streak and tilt and end up losing more especially in solo ranked


            ^your advice is to go watch anime? lol wtf has this world come to lmao


              red days always makes you remember that you are wasting your time on online games and your life is shit.

              just start to build up a list of all of the bad players you met in game and insult them on it, thats what i do since my horrible lose streak i have.


                Happens to everyone. Just take a break, a few days off. Play other modes like turbo or overthrow, try weird asshattery like carry dazzle or something, have fun!

                Story Time

                  make a low mmr smurf and play on it to boost confidence


                    Human beings are really good at remembering bad things and not so much remembering good things.

                    We believe the loss streaks never end, but hardly recall you were on a big win streak just before it :)
                    My best advice is to NOT BINGE PLAY. You lose, you lose again, then you go again thinking: this time I will definitely win.
                    You continue with that mentality for 6-7 games until you give up.

                    We hardly ever recognized when we're tilted, if you stop playing after the 3rd game, for example, you'd be way better off than after losing even more.

                    The is real. It affects all of us. So if you start losing a lot, just stop. It will avoid you losing a lot of unnecessary games where you're tilted and have an even lower chance of winning

                    theDice man

                      Maybe try to play some support? I see you mostly play core spots. Change roles and don't always fight for mid, and help others win their lanes.

                      casual gamer

                        post in “every game is winnable” thread

                        Cheesy Wenis

                          Take a break. You've been playing every day for like three weeks straight, several hours per day. If you go to the gym every single day and give it 100% every time you go you're not going to see improvements to your performance. You need time for your muscles to heal so you can become stronger.

                          In this case the muscle is your brain and hands. They are exhausted, give it some rest.

                          Cheesy Wenis

                            Alternatively learn to play dotes with your legs, and schedule a leg day.


                              94% carry player HAHA, and ur gpm is complete garbage. It's worse when u had sf with 300+ gpm. beat it you are just not a good carry, learn to play better


                                T I L T
                                and garbage gpm, LUL.

                                casual gamer

                                  btw if u have more than 3 “unwinnable” games in a row stop before you give yourself brain cancer from throwing

                                  Saucy Edwin

                                    Okay, in order to try to help you, I'm going to check out everything I can on your profile, and I will be extremely critical. This is how you improve. If you don't try actually look at this criticism and use it to improve, it's your own fault.

                                    Alright, here we go.

                                    First thing I noticed was that you play a whole lot of core, and not a whole lot of anything else. Case in point, your most recent game where you played Sky in a dual mid with your SF. In ranked, NEVER do that. It's bad enough in pubs, but is super game-losing in ranked where people actually punish your other lanes. Yes, you won mid, but you had two people trying to be cores and split farm, causing you to have like 300 gpm, and SF to have only 500. Even if you picked mid first, and SF took it from you, you were playing Sky, who could have easily swapped into a more support play style.

                                    While I'm on that topic, you should play some pubs and watch some videos on how to play support roles so that you know how to both in the case that you need to, in the case that someone takes mid, or just so that you can learn how they operate. You can't really tell your supports what they need to do to help you win your lane if you have no idea what they're capable of.

                                    Next thing that I'm noticing is that your GPM on pretty much every game is really low. Yes, Sky, Viper, Silencer, and Razor are not the best heroes for farming. HOWEVER, anything less than 500 GPM is most games (on a mid or carry) is just kinda unacceptable. Also, having a bad game or two is understandable, and having low GPM in games where you get straight up countered completely makes sense, but this sort of low GPM on cores points out bad farming habits. Even in games where you outright stomped the enemies, such as that 11 and 1 Viper game you played, you still only had 477 GPM.

                                    Another thing I can very quickly notice is your itemization, because what good is that gold that you've gotten if you spend it on an item that doesn't help your situation. Case in point, that mid skywrath game. The atos makes sense, and I'm assuming that you had brown boots because you disassembled them to make your aether lens later in the game. However, you didn't pick up a single defensive item against a PA and a Storm, even though I assume you were dying quite a lot to those two. You really needed a force staff or ghost scepter, even if they seem like support items. Also worth noting about that game is that the veil and aether are usually not that good that late into the game (unless you pick up an aether on a support pretty late). The money in those two items could of gotten you a shiva's, which would have helped in the survivability department, and would have given you more mana.

                                    But maybe that Sky game isn't the best example in the world, so let's check out another one. This time, let's talk about the two Viper games you played. Kaya Viper... just no. I get that you want more mana on the hero, but the rest of the stats are SUPER underwhelming for the hero, and you might have felt that during your games. I also really don't like the rest of the build. Veil can be OK vs some lineups, as can Aghs, but the wasted opportunities in other, more potent items, especially ones that increase your physical damage, are definitely too great. This is especially notable in the game you stomped, where you were against an SF, silencer, and MK (I don't even want to talk about how bad his build was), all of which are weakest to physical damage. Special consideration goes out to silencer, who makes the entire build even worse, because he prevents you from casting the spells you've based your build on.

                                    So, since I don't have any more time to write this post, I'm going to leave you with a few things. One, improve your farming habits, and probably your last hitting as well. Two, play other roles, both because it helps you understand what they need you to do to make them play better, and because it also helps the game from getting super stale and boring. Finally, put a lot more time into picking which items you buy, and don't go for the same build every game.

                                    Good luck improving, and I hope everything I said helps.