General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout VHS Gaming

About VHS Gaming in General Discussion
Not The One

    I was wondering how do I really get vhs? I mean I see a lot of people with new accounts get VHS whilst when I made my new acc it only goes to HS. Is there some tricks?


      After making a new account, the system requires u to play couple games to accurately assist your skill and assign you to the right bracket. the game usually puts u in normal bracket for few games then if u stomp them, you get HS and so on. it takes about 8 games to get to VHS if you really have the skills to be in VHS in the first place. Goodluck

      Not The One

        How come others can still VHS even when supporting?


          probably benchmarking. comparing your support stats to everyone else in the bracket. fall in 99 percentile as a support = rank up as a support. it's possible.

          Story Time

            even when supporting?

            I read it in voice of a 5 year old baby. You are CLEARLY not VHS if you see supporting like this

            chat banned :)

              hahaha its about ur skills dude


                idk why people think 3.7k mmr is actually something, you'd have to be seriously retarded or have no time to play to not get there.

                vhs should be 5k+

                Цей коментар був відредагований
                Edshot machine(show me da...

                  ^ tell this to that (me) toxic guy who rages like shit in game plays at an average of 160-200 ms with lag spikes and constants dc(due To internet and family not letting me play T__T)Resulting in 350+ LP matches due to abandon no joke and also lose 75 mmr for no reason and still manages to get commend and reach that bracket, for him its definitely something and besides its better than the vast majority(which Is crusader 5 I think)

                  Lruce Bee

                    How's 5k even good. Most of the people there don't know what they're doing.

                    chicken spook,,,,


                      Lruce Bee

                        see OP is example that it's possible to escape the trench with a new account. He is 50% ranked in crusader but can make a high skill account ? How is it possible

                        Story Time

                          crusader = legend


                            yup 1k to legends are all the same. trash luuul

                            Edshot machine(show me da...

                              ^ 1k to archon 5 xD

                              And ya crusader shits ho to hs using Smurf but they immediately go back to there own rank so waste of time imo I only created 2 Smurfs

                              This 1 and another both legend with 3042 and 3256 mmr both with 300+ LP matches but if the new mmr wasn't capped I would go to 5k and stay there(yup single draft matches made me good lol)


                                Stop ruining games

                                Cheesy Wenis

                                  3.7k mmr is well above average performance in this video game.

                                  That's not an opinion, that is a statistical fact.

                                  casual gamer

                                    Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.