General Discussion

General DiscussionBounty runes no longer give exp

Bounty runes no longer give exp in General Discussion

    Fuck I forgot about this change and got a late 6 as a roamer. And I don’t like leeching xp from an offlaner but is the meta encouraging dual lanes? Because only kills on creeps and heroes plus tome give xp now.

    Lruce Bee

      This punishes afk roaming. If you're getting kills you should be fine.

      one syllable anglo-saxon





            Why leeching xp from offlaner if you can do jungle :'<


              Leech from your mid instead

              not arin

                LEARN TO PLAY DOTA MORON

                Story Time

                  Lich XP from your creeps :D pun!

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    I had the same issue. Had almost lvl 6 And Went for runes to get it. Which i needed as ww, when there is 4 man push.

                    So had to leech it under tower And see my offlane die because i couldnt save him. In retrospective i should have stacked And farm 2 camps in jungle with w And get lvl 7 directly without leeching.


                      Tome doesn't come until 10 min, making it hard to get ur initial levels, but way easier to maintain it in the midgame


                        Maybe yapzor some lanes, tp late and take kill them free lane ez exp and gold