General Discussion

General DiscussionNEWBS use Kunkka

NEWBS use Kunkka in General Discussion

    OK Guys,

    So... im very new to this game. I like watching Attacker! plays kunkka and love playing it myself, but i farm very slow with kunkka and sometimes i have a hard time with supports who respond very fast especially Sand King.

    Any suggestion on my weaknesses?


      i guess no one cares or saw this but well... what can i do

      Lruce Bee

        Respond very fast. What do you mean? This hero can farm fast with his cleave. Just watch how attacker farms. If you don't farm enough build more battlefuries


          @HanYolo but battlefuries took me long and even tho i got around 500-600 gpm its still hard to farm for daedalus even after battlefury

          Lruce Bee

            Because you need Attack speed. Try echosabre after battlefury.

            Lruce Bee

              Blink is good to help u move around the map faster :)


                echosabre after battlefury.



                  Please ignore HanYolo. WTF would you buy Battlefury on Kunkks? He has built in Battlefury... That's about as smart as building it on Sven or Magnus.

                  Save your 4k of Battlefury and buy Shadowblade or an item like that, that allows you to gank unsuspecting heroes. Then build your crystalis-daedalus build if you are going x'marks the spot right click nuker.


                    Build should be 1-4-1-1, from there I usually get a 2nd point in x mark before maxing Q.
                    Item build is phase boots, bootle, armlet, blink into crit. From there heavens halberd is always nice. Lastly, a second crit or divine if you feel like you need to 1 shot people or you lose. Of course this is for core kunka.
                    I’ve seen people go BF so you could 1 shot waves but it’s not worth it IMO.

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                    Lruce Bee

                      and i suppose we should all listen to full page of red archon


                        If you dream of being an online troll, at least buy a blue star account to give your comments a patina of legitimacy.

                        Yeah, attack speed is just what you need for a hero with a cleave on cooldown. smh.

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                          HanYolo is my idol.

                          Watch Me and Learn

                            Just spam your first skill to jungle creeps anytime u can. Buy bottle and always bring tp, you can easily refill the bottle by teleport to fountain right after you xmarks yourself.


                              Ahh HanYolo - Thanks for looking at my page.. if you looked at "more" games you can quite easily establish more green than red. My last 3 games have been pub-games (means nothing but a bit of practice) where I almost backdoor raxxed them as AM, a CK game where I went 24-9-7 and a Sven (hands up here... I can easily admit I am one of the worst Sven players going). Also whilst playing with two friends who haven't played dota in +8months. I also used to have about +70% WR as Kunkka before I used him more as a support (conversion to nuker if required) than a core...

                              In all honesty, I just gave my two cents (never said it was 100% correct but gave rational why you wouldn't chose your 'idea'). To burn waves you have a passive + torrent thus why waste 4k on a farming item? Better to spend it on, like Rocket said, blink+armlet. The damage output is good from BF but Crystalis into Daedalus I would say is better for overall impact (considering I have seen on quite a few occasions Kunkks with Daedalus x 2)

                              Finally, I take the view: Guardian approach is superseded by Archon which in turn is superseded by Legend etc. So when the blue star etc. comes in with their opinion it should have more weighting than mine (i.e. mmr - you are where you are until you git gud or "tried destroying the Ancient")


                                ok ty for the advice
                                and check my matches and share what u think


                                  idk why but i really liked halberd on kunkka and almost never used sb

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    I dont play kunkki sry

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      But generally playing him as support is more reliable to win with than as a core

                                      Attacker is one of the few, if not the only guy who can make core kunkka work at high mmr


                                        LOL why check this?
                                        (Unless u r trying kunkka as well)






                                              "Because you need Attack speed. Try echosabre after battlefury."
                                              Both items is bad for me, i tried them on bots i failed HARD just because i cant fight well with those items

                                              and supporting doesnt seem easy because i saw my friend plays it and having a hard time of roam/support because we dont always get good core players in SEA


                                                You need attack speed xD, you just blink hit then x mark urself, thats literally what a core kunkka does, attack/crit> as


                                                  ahahaha but srsly dont judge even tho u think its bad

                                                  chat banned :)

                                                    @hanyolo echosabre on kunka is the best 🤗,,

                                                    btw buy drums or mordi then SB its better


                                                      Armlet into halberd if needed, otherwise, crits blink crits rapiers
                                                      U can go drums situationally, or bkb/linkens if needed.


                                                        1. Get blink and 4 daedalus
                                                        2. X marks yourself
                                                        3. Blink into clash and do one hit
                                                        4. ?????
                                                        5. Profit

                                                        I can’t believe its not h...

                                                          Kunkka has to snowball as early as possible and get farm/kills=profit=items. He becomes dead Weight quickly without proper leveling and itemisation. Of course you can do alot With kunkkas skills, but without the cleave damage you have no damage after spells and if you botch them.. Well GL