General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy guardians are so braindead

Why guardians are so braindead in General Discussion
ㄚ- 天照`

    Whenever u kill them,they keep making the same mistake all over and over again and the braindead one,they even go manta without even making other items like aquila,treads and etc,just tango and a bunch of branch they just rush manta,when i ask them "why are u making manta" they replied "dude fast farm go see miracle" xD xD AND THE QUESTION IS HOW IS HANYOLO/HANSOLO STUCK IN GUARDIAN FOR A LONG TIME WHEN U CAN GO AXE DAGON EMBER DAGON EVEN CM DAEDALUS


      you're so cool

      ㄚ- 天照`

        Hello salza,it's that yoona on ur profile pic?


          l o l . . .


            you know it


              Salza is really fat.


                The moment when they farm and show up alone at the map only for die to the enemy then say 'gg no wards'


                  ^archons too

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Divine player will also yell at us Ancients that we suck on positioning, farming pattern, item choice, and hero mastery.

                    Respect all kind of players and their medals, no need to rant here on the forum just to ridicule them.

                    "Strong player don't put weak players down, they lift them up."
                    -Stephen Hawking, 2017

                    Lruce Bee

                      Rushing items is an old school art form that has fallen out of trend over the years. Used to be really big in Dota 1. Why go all those small items and then be weak all early game ? Then you are just delaying your late game power spike. If you just save up a lot of money and use it for a bigger investment, you will have much greater returns in the future.

                      I mean this is good advice for real life and is why the Chinese are doing so well anyway.

                      ㄚ- 天照`

                        @HanYolo oke,rank up then


                          "Strong player don't put weak players down, they lift them up." 

                          Disturbed Jawker

                            "Because of Cookie I am 6k now"

                            Lruce Bee

                              I have been ranking up consistently with party ranked. But I got bored.

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Why is water wet


                                  Why ancients are so braindead?


                                    WHY GUARDIANS ARE SO BRAINDEAD
                                    coz theyre guardians lol


                                      wai i'm so gud at this game

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        I honestly do not believe that any archon crusader legends ancients are better than I am. You all just have a false confidence that you're good at the game. But really if it boils down to how much you know about the game, or general intelligence, the lot of y'all are just subhumans honestly and hide behind your rank like it's some kind of shield protecting you from criticism.


                                          but hanyolo,can you explain why i'm so gooooooooooooooooooooood

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            If you think playing the easiest heroes in Dota makes you good, think again.


                                              wat is the hardest hero in doto

                                              Lruce Bee



                                                  wat is the second hardest hero in doto

                                                  chicken spook,,,,


                                                    Lruce Bee



                                                        wat is the third hardest hero in doto

                                                        Lruce Bee

                                                          Techies. Followed by natures prophet. Followed by arc warden. Followed by wraith king. We done?


                                                            wat is the seventh hardest hero on doto

                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                              Either ember spirit or lone Druid or phantom assassin.


                                                                I Play LC Jungle
                                                                -Hope 2013


                                                                  I honestly do not believe that any archon crusader legends ancients are better than I am. You all just have a false confidence that you're good at the game. But really if it boils down to how much you know about the game, or general intelligence, the lot of y'all are just subhumans honestly and hide behind your rank like it's some kind of shield protecting you from criticism.

                                                                  It is weird that u think that people have higher skill level/mmr/medal than u isnt any better than u, cause why would anyone suck when they can be very good and get alot of praise, popularity, and friends(cash too if u r a fucking pro or very fucking pro player)

                                                                  THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE AT ALL!!!!

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                    LOL. plays 70 games on Easy Mode barely maintains 55% and says- Ranks higher than me = me. Hanyolo- I made a SMurf; I suck I am only Ancient and I have a 75% win-rate over 200 games on my smurf. You sir are terrible.

                                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                      Why go all those small items and then be weak all early game ?

                                                                      That's literally the exact opposite to the intention of getting cheap items. Are you for real now?


                                                                        meepo not in hanyolo's top ten hardest heroes :thinking:


                                                                          Hanyolo is Jacked
                                                                          The real Han died

                                                                          low prio master

                                                                            Im crusader since yesterday so im not in category.
                                                                            Most difficult hero is invoker if we take technical skill side,but all around most difficult hero to be winning with is Io!Yea man i do plenty of game losing relocates and still so high kda and winrate,i dont understand this game.

                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                              How the fuck is meepo hard.

                                                                              Lruce Bee

                                                                                Shiftingskys (what a stupid name), if you think this bracket is "easy mode", I'll bet you've never played in anything less than 500 mmr.

                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                  in guardian bracket you can win 1v5, why u even bother to mention their skills


                                                                                    Dont feed the troll

                                                                                    Story Time

                                                                                      ^what else to do on this forum?


                                                                                        ^ BE the troll


                                                                                          Fuck no, invoker is way easier than arc, i've played both

                                                                                          especially considering how useless arc is now

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                          Pump Cultist

                                                                                            hehe xd han you're cool please teach me how to be guardian hehe xd funny you're cool hahahahahahaha so good that's great we care wowowowowow delete my comments mods you wont haha got'em go han please get crusader and i'll have ur babies i love you haha the kda's are great "consistently rankng up but got bored" hahahahah great good stuff im proud of u son delete this you wont got'em funny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

                                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                                              this thread

                                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                                screw you GDF8, you are not even playing dota, go back to your terraria masturbation

                                                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                                                  Cookie do you agree that meepo is easy?


                                                                                                    other than the farming patterns, all you really need to know with meepo is to get roshan and go blink poof.

                                                                                                    but that depends on how good you are at farming, a bad meepo will have like a blink at 12-14 minutes, while a good meepo will have an eblade and aegis on top of that.

                                                                                                    after that it's just standard picking off/fighting/splitting/pushing like most heroes do.

                                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                    ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                                      Guardian is full of retard like H A N Y O L O T Y


                                                                                                        @Feachairu You play Invoker as a support?