General Discussion


VISAGE PLAYERS, I NEED HELP. in General Discussion

    Can anyone guide me to this hero? In terms of item builds, what to do and when to pick etc. I'm starting to like this hero. Thank you!


      When i play this hero all i do is build dominator and push but in clash i don't know what to do sometimes, please help on how can i improve that.


        I typically go: Wand > Power Treads > Medallion > Force Staff > Solar Crest > Atos > Aghs > Whatever else may be necessary for the team like Shivas or Vyse, etc. As well as build up my force into Hurricane.

        I've never really built dominator. I can see it's use but you can get much more impacting items for around the same amount of gold as dom.


          If you get the money, a new pretty good item for Visage is Nullifier. Adds regen, more armor to a naturally tanky visage, damage, and a great ability.


            I buy domi to get an extra creep for aura or disable, get tranquils, get medallion for rosh, pick him when u have strong early lineup that can push towrers.

            Ur next item should benefit ur team, ur more of a utility core, get pipe/atos depends on the enemy lineup. Its up to you if u want to build fs, but u should end th game at 15-30 mins


              Ask ur team to stick and push

              bum farto

                Hero has been garbage a long time, change to his birds means keeping them alive in a fight is harder. The new addition to his spell set doesn't work as it random which bird it drops and it may not be the one you want so don't bother using it for anything other to quickly put them down outside a fight.

                Mostly you'll get dumpstered by your teammates if you play him and you'll wind up spending all your gold on support shit while a "roaming" pudge runs around the map feeding and getting angry.

                If you can ever get any items most of them don't matter cause you'll die anyways which is probably for the best cause the birds are the best thing about the hero so you being dead doesn't matter. Atos is ok if you're chasing a guy solo but if you're playing against any good opponents they will just turn on you so no point, plus as mentioned above you got shit on by a "roaming" something or other useless.

                You're a support with no cash, a bracer, a medalion, tranquils should be enough.

                You have cash, upgrade the medallion, finish the Atos, get sceptre.

                Most of the time getting a midas is a good idea. Oh, and don't get the double soul assumption it's just stupid most likely just go onto creeps.


                  in other words pick him on mid


                    sehny once told me that he sees some potential in magic dmg visage so you can try to be a lab rat and buy veil

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                        Only play him as mid (he is currently #1 mid by winrate in all skill brackets), don't even try to support with him (he is a garbage sup).
                        My go to build is: brown boots -> medallion -> hotd
                        Then either drums (for fast push) or orchid->bloodthorn, ac.

                        Skill build: Q-E-Q-E-Q-R-Q-W-E-E
                        W is almost useless on mid visage (only if someone on your team is guaranteed to help you), as you need to first deal damage to enemy.
                        Q is super great laning spell (cast it, then immediately deny creeps and do last hits - enemy attack slow is enough to outlasthit at least twice per cast).
                        You need to make a kill as soon as you have your ult. My strat is usually bait enemy mid a little, inititate with 3rd level Q and call R+medallion after that so he would be caught offguard and cant run.
                        After 6 try roam/gank as much as possible scoring kills on all lanes. The combo of Q+medallion is usually enough to solo kill anybody at that stage of the game.


                          Why is hotd good? It provides you with 10 hp healing aura, enough to fully heal birds between fights.
                          Why is drums good? Because anything that provides aura attack speed is awesome. Even ~30 attack speed bufs your phys damage greatly, the same with medallion and solar. Forget about magic damage, visage only has so-so magic nuke. His phys damage output probably the largest in early/mid game, much greater than any other core before ~25-30 mins.


                            Yes i always have him on mid, he's insanely strong especially on his passive. But is tranquil really necessary i mean can i get phase boots instead or just the brown boots? What do you think?

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                                Thanks guys!