General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's it like being at >5k?

What's it like being at >5k? in General Discussion

    I imagine that sometimes people at that level get outplayed or outdrafted, but they know how to adapt and its not like they're trash players who inherently do dumb shit all game. Because I get at least one of those per game


      There are a lot of dumb players actually but they are dumb in terms of 5k games.


        saw in battlecup bracket 8 championship where jugg omnislash to enemy and this naga sleep them all 😂 he could cancel in the middle thou but he didn’t.


          Oh please, there's a bunch of retards in 5k

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Wow I got a chance to reach 5k lel

            michael sassbender

              honestly depends on behaviour score, people tilt so easily in 5k and play so badly


                It varies massively. You get some players who are genuinely good, some retards who are just good at abusing 1-2 specific heroes or strats, people with good mechanical skill but the emotional fragility of a toddler, people who have good pma/leadership but just shit at the game all jammed together.


                  wtf when did u get into top 200

                  Potato Marshal

                    Same shit as everywhere else to be honest.


                      I’ve been in and out of top 200 since I first hit 6k back in 2015. Feels bad forever 6k pleb though.


                        Dont worry one day i will see you hit top 10

                        Lruce Bee

                          TOP 200 in small server though right?


                            90% shit players that pick 1-2 heroes and ruin the mm for all relatively decent players
                            5% good players that got shitton of problems with their mentality, unless i babysit them
                            and another 5% players that i would play with every single game, solo or party/doesn't matter.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Cut and paste said it all


                                not like they're trash players who inherently do dumb shit all game.

                                5ks are absolute trash players, myself included.
                                Rank 1ks are even worse.
                                You will only see any semblance of skill in maybe like top 500.
                                Even then, the trench never ends.


                                  Invokers are the cancers


                                    what is this game,when actually can we even considered be good

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      its not a magical utopia or a promised land where everyone tries their best and are nice to each other. the players are not even that good.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      casual gamer

                                        you pay valve $10000 and they stop sending mmr assassination squads

                                        casual gamer

                                          when actually can we even considered be good

                                          never unless ur currently a t1 player


                                            i want to reach the promised neverland!

                                            ye,unless you're those tier 1 teams we pub ppl are just scrubs or garbage