General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Dota still allowing script cheats after all these updates?

Why is Dota still allowing script cheats after all these updates? in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Scripts doesnt give you a sure win, but i sure does gives you an advantage. i just seen it with my own eyes with my friend here using it.

    He have a tight game (even though he is a 20-2 something QoP). Their top and bot rax are destroyed. They claim aegis and in desperation, they grouped up and tried to push the enemy mid.

    A miracle occured:

    Bout a 3 of them ganging up. Suddenly, a wild Magnus appeared, his hammer now glowing about to reverse polarity then poof, insant bloodthorne by my script user friend. And oh, sandking blinked with a epicenter, bout to burrow strike when poof, instant euls. Two initiators got killed. Comeback victory for them.

    Other than the instant hex/silence script, theres also the most unfair one (according to him): the tinker script.

    He is just holding a single button, and tinker casting soul ring > hex > dagon > laser > missle > rearm in very quick succession.

    Now back to the question:

    "Why is Dota still allowing script cheats after all these updates?"

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    Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

      why don't you report your friend?


        But icefrog doesnt see dotabuff. Also what fun is tinker when you only press 1 button


          instant euls/dagons etc. aren't scripts. all you can do with scripts now is record combinations of key presses. all of which can be done with a practice session to train the muscle memory anyway.

          you are describing an application that monitors dota and responds by sending various commands that aren't possible with a script.

          usually it'll stay until reddit gets angry and then there will be a round of VAC bans.

          SASA POPOVIC

            why don't you report your friend?

            Report him for what? Communication abuse, intentional ability abuse or purpose feeding? Yeah sure you can add a comment bellow in the report but do you really think valve has some "dude" in the office that reads and checks those reports? System is automatic lets not be naive here...

            Sure they can update VAC to detect script better, but we all know its gonna happen after 10k more people start using them and after it creates a community outrage so big that they will have no other choice but finaly get their ass off and do something about it!

            Thats how gaming companies work, there is no problem unless it starts losing you money, then its a problem!

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              basically, valve just read reddit and the Chinese equivalent and do whatever keeps those communities happy seeing as those are representative of the masses who buy hats.


                Well i don't really know but isn't that visible in the replay section where they can see ure mouse movement how long does it takes for someone to watch and report him and he get VAC banned with is a death sentence


                  "Why is Dota still allowing script cheats after all these updates?"

                  It's not, it's against the rules. Your friend might get banned at some point.

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    I can't report him. I'm just watching him plays on his back. At first, I didn't notice the instant bloodthorne on Magnus. Maybe it was just fast reflexes. But still, it was a very sudden RP from Magnus, and the another one is the euls on sandking before even using his fookin burrow strike.

                    So I watched the replay, looks on his player perspective and ofcourse, his mouse wasnt even near the enemy hero. He was busy attacking the tower. I doubt he even notice the almost RP happened coz his camera wasnt even in the melee.

                    I chat him and asked if he is a cheater. He tells me yes, and explained to me the other script cheats (including the tinker one).


                      ^it's only a matter of time and be assured VAC ban is permanent u can just send match id and some informed guy can ban him right away 😂

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        7.12 dota 2 update is online and yet, developers are still allowing cheats/scripts. Why are they turning blind eye on these issue?

                        I just encountered a script user playing as Arc Warden and I saved some screenshots. Here are some his cheat highlights.

                        "Arc Warden pushing the 1st mid tower when suddenly, a God Strength Sven blinked outta no where but poof, Sven instant died"

                        "Chaos broken out on their tier 3 tower when PA blinked in outta no where when poof, instant hex. PA lives to tell the tales though"

                        "I requested to gank that Arc Warden to prove that his a cheater. I blinked in as a Tinker from a blindspot forest together with our PA and ofcourse, both of us got hex without even casting our skills. He get killed though but what a reaction time."

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          His mouse wasnt even on the hero, and the camera angle are awkward. Players perspective maybe cant be perfectly mimic the mouse location but still, if you watched it happens for like a lot of times, its pretty obvious. I'm the tinker btw. These are his instant hex.

                          Scenario 1:
                          The fail sven blinked in.

                          Scenario 2:
                          PA blink hex.

                          Scenario 3:
                          Dual blink in? Heres a dual hex.


                            Since icefrog doesnt see dotabuff what can we do to remove/reduce script user


                              i think if you give those replays to wyk or some guy on valve or playdota forum probably will take action