General Discussion

General DiscussionLich no longer my bff, now SD is by new bff

Lich no longer my bff, now SD is by new bff in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    SD is new bae, not like when I tried spamming Warlock, SB, or Ogre. This is definitely the hero to climb MMR now. One of the best anti-jugg supports since everybody's always picking him. It's almost always a guarantee kill when you gank too. This is now the official Shadow Demon fanclub thread. Please say something nice about Shadow Demon.

    Story Time

      does that mean you are a girl? or identify yourself as a girl?


        He's great for triple stacking if you manage poison timings. Luna love.




            One of the best and most underrated supports in the game


              She is

              Cancer Malaria

                according to dotabuff, apparently SD is a great counter to carry luna pickers (Best Versus)


                  Idk what u mean by jugg pickers
                  Why would people be picking jugg this much

                  Story Time

                    the secret to jugger popularity:

                    Potato Marshal

                      Jugg is like the top 3 most picked heroes in all brackets, with one of them being Pudge who you shouldn't even really bother countering.

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      Story Time

                        u cant counter pudge, especially in your own team


                          maybe it is better to address how bad lich is since the nerf, literaly unplayable

                          i will not sell my soul to sd tho, I will get back to cm since sd is a skeleton

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            lich is a skeletals too

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              I like this hero tbh but every time i pick it my teammates dont pick anything that synergize well and he is kinda shit in the lane so the braindead dual offlane meta kinda kills the hero. He is really strong lategame and has good utility but its hard to make him work rn


                                He Is perfect in 2x2 matchups with Heroes who can provide dmg or lockdown against ranged heroes. With venge can Fight enemy trilanes.

                                Aldo destroys Heroes like Viper, ulti,q,w,e and Viper Is on 30% HP.

                                Potato Marshal

                                  In case anyone was wondering, I almost completely avoid shadow poison. I max disruption and soul catcher, with tranquils into wand, into glimmer (maybe an urn before glimmer if I need a spirit vessel). Then whatever I feel is necessary, usually ghost or force, maybe sometimes euls. In some rare instances I might go for arcanes and the poison talents if I'm laning against someone like bb or timber, or maybe an early value point in poison against someone like np who i need vision of when he sprouts tp.

                                  I always play him as an offensive early ganker, just wrap around the enemy, disrupt, soulcatcher, and that's usually a kill against most heroes early game unless they have something like a blink. Aside from conventional combos like SD + Luna or TB, he's also incredibly strong for stealing auras like rad, degen aura, precision aura etc. There aren't too many games where there isn't a single good hero to make illusions of, and the magic immunity piercing slow is so useful in many instances.


                                    Did you genuinely enjoy playing almost 1k games of lich? i just cant stand that hero he's like a mixure of an ogre frostmage and a range creep


                                      shadow demon mid new meta ez keks real meme hour over 9000% win rate

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        I enjoy it when I win


                                          i like sd too.. i got 67wr with him (31 games in total) but when i started playing him i didnt know what was the combo (ulti+disrupt+soul+2 or 3 poisons=ez kill).. in the beginning i was using ulti without any other spell (lets say that i was wasting ulti) and i was still winning somehow because sd is very tanky hero.. with urn into vessel he is veeery tanky :D im not high mmr player but ye sd is strong as support.. when i learn the combo i was able to solo kill everyone.. gl in pubs with sd btw :D

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            I disrupt, then soul catcher, into ult. I don't like shadow poison and how it synergizes with his other abilities for a variety of reason. The poison is best used at long safe distances, but all his other abilities have very short cast range. And the ability is such a huge waste of mana if you don't get a good number of stacks on the enemy, and that's assuming you even hit them and they don't dispel it somehow. SD is like one of the few supports that can solo kill a farmed enemy carry. There just isn't really thing most carries can do against being hit by 150% of their own base damage (more if they can't remove soul catacher) + attack modifiers on top of being slowed with no means of removing it.


                                              I might go for arcanes and the poison talents if I'm laning against someone like bb or timber

                                              Just rush a scepter lol

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                I also farm exceedingly poorly compared to everybody else in my bracket, even other support players.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  poison is not worth using until it is level 2 and unless you get at least 4 stacks, which means 220 mana commitment (at least) every time. it is useful on certain lanes though, especially if your partner lacks damage too.


                                                    yes but i like to ulti then disrupt because when disrupt finish the ulti is reaching the end and it deals dmg.. if you disrupt then ulti maybe he can escape from you and you are screwed :D


                                                      wat about us? are we your bff too?


                                                        U have wrong itemization on ur lich, lich is carry now, hotd into pipe then siege at 20 mins.


                                                          is sd offlane gud?

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            pick support+alt tab 10 min+play with 1 hand=+25 mmr.Ez supports BrokeBack

                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                              Just lost two games against SD by 30 minutes
                                                              Offlane was rekt, but mid and safelane were won, angry pinoy core throwing was the main reason we lost so fast though.


                                                                Play willow+puck


                                                                  And received "kind of buff" against some heroes.


                                                                    cm buff, get rekt potato nee chan


                                                                      teach us your ways how to actually put gifs or reaction pictures in here

                                                                      why hte heck they must use bb code thing,i never succeded

                                                                      cant they just add attachments


                                                                        ^upload an image to imgur open it in a new tab copy the image link (jpg. or png.)

                                                                        [img] paste link [/img]

                                                                        no space between the brackets and the link


                                                                          i see

                                                                          see its not working

                                                                          let me try again

                                                                          o it works now,thank you

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                            Evil morty theme plays*

                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                              There's this annoying glitch I just found on SD, if you cast his ult right when a unit Eul's himself, your ult will go on cooldown, but the target won't be affected by it at all.

                                                                              LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                                                                WTF? This is the new patch? Poor jug, luckily I already stopped spamming Jug and switched to support. Might try SD soon. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD JESUS. Every team fight you just ulti jug and he can't use his ult? this shit is stupid LUL OPFrog?

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  I'm not sure what's happening in that video, but you can't dispel omnislash. You're still incredibly strong against jugg, just disrupt him and 90%+ of the times they'll try to spin away, so just disrupt to slow him and have his own illusions hack away at him. You're also guaranteed to get the purge damage off unless he omnis right afterwards.

                                                                                  Also hey, we played a match together.

                                                                                  LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                                                                    Ok it's been patched just hours ago. Holy shit this would've made Jug so fucking useless. It's like back when warlock golem can be dispelled with difussal blade. He was just to useless no one picked him.

                                                                                    LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                                                                      WTF! I actually remember that match hahaha. You were like stealing ints all over the place. I'm also very noisy in chat, I dunno if it really helped with anything. I just like to say what I think is the right thing to do in the game most of the time.

                                                                                      Hope we get to play again next time! haha