General Discussion

General Discussion7.12.

7.12. in General Discussion

    * Enabled Pangolier in Captain's Mode
    * Neutral Creep Stack bounty increased from 15% to 20%

    * Clarity: Mana Regeneration reduced from 3.2 to 3.0

    * Heart of Tarrasque: Strength increased from 40 to 45

    * Moon Shard: Attack Speed increased from 120 to 130

    * Nullifier: Projectile speed decreased from 1200 to 900

    * Refresher Orb: Mana regeneration increased from 3 to 5

    * Satanic: Duration increased from 4.5 to 5 seconds

    * Silver Edge: Break duration decreased from 5 to 4 seconds
    * Silver Edge: Cooldown reduced from 24 to 22

    * Skull Basher: Bash duration increased from 1.4 to 1.5
    * Abyssal Blade: Bash duration increased from 1.4 to 1.5

    * Spirit Vessel: Enemy current health based damage changed from 3% Direct HP modification to 4.5% Magical Damage

    * Anti-Mage: Mana Void damage increased from 0.6/0.85/1.1 to 0.8/0.95/1.1

    * Arc Warden: Flux cooldown reduced from 18 to 16
    * Arc Warden: Magnetic Field AoE increased from 275 to 300

    * Axe: Battle Hunger duration increased from 10 to 12

    * Bounty Hunter: Shuriken Toss manacost increased from 120/130/140/150 to 150

    * Bloodseeker: Thirst linger bonus duration increased from 2 to 4

    * Chen: Holy Persuasion can no longer target non-player allied creeps

    * Clinkz: Strafe duration increased from 3 to 3.5 seconds

    * Crystal Maiden: Base damage increased by 3
    * Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura self mana regen increased from 1/2/3/4 to 1.3/2.2/3.1/4

    * Dark Seer: Vacuum AoE increased from 250/350/450/550 to 400/450/500/550
    * Dark Seer: Vacuum cooldown rescaled from 32 to 60/50/40/30
    * Dark Seer: Vacuum cast range rescaled from 500 to 450/500/550/600
    * Dark Seer: Vacuum Pull duration increased from 0.5 to 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6
    * Dark Seer: Vacuum damage rescaled from 40/80/120/160 to 25/50/100/200
    * Dark Seer: Wall of Replica incoming illusion damage reduced from 400% to 300%
    * Dark Seer: Wall of Replica width increased from 1000 to 1300

    * Dark Willow: Terrorize cast time increased from 0.8 to 1.0
    * Dark Willow: Bedlam cooldown increased from 40/30/20 to 40/35/30

    * Dazzle: Poison Touch damage increased from 10/20/30/40 to 10/24/38/52

    * Death Prophet: Spirit Siphon charge restore time increased from 45 to 60/55/50/45
    * Death Prophet: Silence manacost increased from 80 to 80/90/100/110

    * Disruptor: Static Storm no longer lingers on your hero for 0.5 seconds after walking away from the AoE (it already ends immediately once the spell is over)
    * Disruptor: Kinetic Field cooldown increased from 13/12/11/10 to 19/16/13/10

    * Drow Ranger: Precision Aura attack damage bonus increased from 10/18/26/34% to 10/20/30/40%

    * Elder Titan: Echo Stomp Initial Stun duration reduced from 0.8 to 0.2

    * Ember Spirit: Base armor increased by 1

    * Enchantress: Untouchable slow rescaled from 40/70/100/130 to 20/60/100/140
    * Enchantress: Enchant cooldown rescaled from 30/24/18/12 to 55/40/25/10
    * Enchantress: Enchant slow increased from 2.25/3.5/4.75/6 to 3/4/5/6
    * Enchantress: Enchant dominate duration rescaled from 80 to 50/60/70/80
    * Enchantress: Impetus manacost rescaled from 55/60/65 to 40/55/70

    * Gyrocopter: Flak Cannon cooldown increased from 30 to 40
    * Gyrocopter: Homing Missile hits to destroy reduced from 3/3/4/4 to 3

    * Io: Tether now sets your movement speed to match the tethered target's speed
    * Io: Relocate cooldown increased from 120/100/80 to 130/110/90
    * Io: Tether no longer has a duration
    * Io: Tether movement speed rescaled from 10/12/14/16% to 7/10/13/16%
    * Io: Tether regen sharing rescaled from 1.5x to 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5
    * Io: Base damage reduced by 4

    * Leshrac: Base movement speed increased from 325 to 330
    * Leshrac: Lightning Storm damage rescaled from 50/100/150/200 to 80/120/160/200
    * Leshrac: Lightning Storm slow duration rescaled from 0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0 to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0
    * Leshrac: Lightning Storm cast point reduced from 0.45 to 0.4

    * Lich: Sacrifice mana conversion increased from 30/50/70/90 to 55/70/85/100

    * Lifestealer: Open Wounds manacost increased from 140/130/120/110 to 140

    * Lion: Earth Spike manacost rescaled from 100/120/140/160 to 70/100/130/160

    * Magnus: Skewer AoE increased from 125 to 135
    * Magnus: Reverse Polarity stun duration increased from 2.25/3/3.75 to 2.75/3.25/3.75

    * Mirana: Base attack damage range from 39-50 to 43-48

    * Monkey King: Wukong's Command soldier attack rate improved from 1.4 to 1.3

    * Necrophos: Heartstopper Aura increased from 0.5/1/1.5/2% to 0.5/1.1/1.7/2.3%

    * Necrophos: Death Pulse manacost rescaled from 125/145/165/185 to 100/130/160/190

    * Ogre Magi: Multicast no longer increases Fire Blast manacost

    * Omniknight: Repel manacost increased from 50 to 85

    * Phantom Assassin: Stifling Dagger can be targeted on Spell Immune (the slow won't have any effect, but the physical damage will go through)

    * Phoenix: Supernova radius increased from 1000 to 1300
    * Phoenix: Supernova now turns night into day for the duration (has highest priority)

    * Razor: Static Link cast range reduced from 600 to 550 (break range still 800)
    * Razor: Unstable Current damage reduced from 100/130/160/190 to 60/100/140/180

    * Riki: Tricks of the Trade reworked. Instead of hitting every hero in the AoE once per second, it hits a random hero once per 0.5/0.45/0.4 seconds.
    * Riki: Tricks of the Trade will hit creeps if there are no heroes available
    * Riki: Tricks of the Trade duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6

    * Rubick: Telekinesis cooldown increased from 22 to 28/26/24/22

    * Sand King: Burrowstrike stun duration rescaled from 2.17 to 1.9/2.0/2.1/2.2
    * Sand King: Base movement speed reduced from 295 to 290

    * Shadow Demon: Demonic Purge slow now always scales linearly with time from 100% to 20%
    * Shadow Demon: Demonic Purge cooldown increased from 40 to 60 (affects charge replenish)
    * Shadow Demon: Demonic Purge duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds
    * Shadow Demon: Demonic Purge no longer roots non-hero units for 3 seconds
    * Shadow Demon: Demonic Purge now continuously dispels the target

    * Slark: Base HP regen increased from 1.5 to 2.75
    * Slark: Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 0.6

    * Slardar: Guardian Sprint no longer has a 15% damage amplification
    * Slardar: Guardian Sprint duration reduced from 12 to 10

    * Sniper: Assassinate manacost reduced from 175/275/375 to 175/225/275

    * Spectre: Spectral Dagger damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 90/140/190/240

    * Spirit Breaker: Empowering Haste active no longer reduces your movement speed afterwards
    * Spirit Breaker: Empowering Haste cooldown increased from 12 to 20

    * Templar Assassin: Movement speed increased from 300 to 310

    * Timbersaw: Chakram manacost per second reduced from 20/25/30 to 16/23/30
    * Timbersaw: Chakram initial manacost reduced from 100/150/200 to 80/140/200

    * Tiny: Base Health Regen reduced from 2.5 to 1.5
    * Tiny: Avalanche cooldown increased from 17 to 20/19/18/17

    * Treant Protector: Base intelligence increased by 3

    * Troll Warlord: Berserker's Rage base attack time improved from 1.5 to 1.45

    * Tusk: Ice Shards cooldown increased from 19/16/13/10 to 21/18/15/12

    * Undying: Undying Zombie critical health attack speed boost increased from 50 to 75
    * Undying: Flesh Golem hero kill heal increased from 10% to 15/20/25%

    * Warlock: Golem's attack damage increased from 75/100/125 to 75/125/175

    * Windranger: Fixed some clunkiness with how Windranger attacks the target during Focus Fire

    * Winter Wyvern: Arctic Burn attack range changed from 275/375/475/575 to 350/425/500/575
    * Winter Wyvern: Base intelligence increased by 1

    * Zeus: Attack range increased from 350 to 380
    * Zeus: Base damage increased by 5

    Ця тема була відредагована

      That 3 base dmg buff for crystal maiden though. :"


        i like the riki and io changes, also the spell immune to the pa's dagger is great


          Seems like Io got a huge buff but only affect higher bracket matches since most people dont really know how the hero works


            My prediction for this patch will be...
            Gyro almost dead/only picked for snowballing team
            Warlock will be almost first pick material
            Timbersaw will be the new brood
            Razor is still the same(less popular but still decent pickrate)
            Et is nerfed af
            Pango first pick material
            Might see a comeback:
            Spec (high change to be a decent-situational pick)
            Pa priority pick if razor and other counter is banned
            Ta comeback


              This Thursday's patch seems interesting, might get me to play more games than just the 6 I played for 7.11, and certainly more than just the 3 I played for 7.10

              Цей коментар був відредагований
              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Pango coming through

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Phoenix's ult sounds lit


                    mid-lesh ptsd triggered

                    Story Time

                      Phoenix's ult sounds lit

                      finally the discussion on reddit made them think about it! It is a focking sun there, how can nightstalker still enjoy the night bonus?!

                      Potato PC

                        IO buff and nerf at same time, hero become more situasional.


                          OMG..... they buffed my bird.... THEY BUFFED MY BIRD!!!!!


                          Story Time



                              Need more Ember buffs plz


                                Weaver is so super dead and they ignore it for another 4 weeks now....


                                  arc more buff plz tnx


                                    Well weaver is seeing pro play, to more of an extent than I'd expect from a dead hero soooooo

                                    Tu tayta

                                      Dark Willow nerfs :(


                                        My boy necro getting a minor buff

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          pangolier nerfs soon feelsbadman

                                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                            If you tether to a slower hero, will it set your ms to the lower value?

                                            Story Time

                                              i wanna tether to the focking tower, pls some one let me next patch, ty


                                                Axe: strong laner
                                                Dark Seer: finally
                                                Dark Willow: not mid
                                                Lifestealer < Anti Mage
                                                Omniknight: dead
                                                Riki: Omnislash?
                                                Rubick: useless early game
                                                Slark: not enough
                                                Sand King < Slardar
                                                Zeus: ultra pub cancer


                                                  crusader 3 says slark not enough xd

                                                  kiddo 3.7 healt regen without items
                                                  get wand and you will have almost 5

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    All my heroes are buffed, good job Icefrog.


                                                      Ok they just realize wr look like a clown when using using ulti. But when they even realize void 1st skill is too broken and spammable for it cost?


                                                        Nice. Zeus has 52.5% winrate and under 5k has already 54.5%+.

                                                        I was banning him before, now it will be just complete sh*tfest.


                                                          PA dagger courier :thinking:


                                                            Zeus buff isn't that big. Against invoker you had to max lightning and only cs with lightning anyway since the invoker assholes would just sit in your lane with their 150+ auto attack damage denying creeps if you tried to cs with your right click. Makes him a little bit better against melee heroes who you can afford to get close to the lane to cs against and other ranged heroes with lowish right click or short range. Otherwise he's still the exact same.

                                                            Leshrac changes are making him a bit more like zeus. The nerf to him after his single big patch 3 years ago reduced his right click by 4 so now he has a base auto attack at level 1 of only 42 or so which makes it very difficult to get creeps with right click. His old lightning damage of only 50 was barely more and you needed to be level 3 before it even had a decent damage level to use it.

                                                            Being 80 at level 1 makes it more in the zeus level of csing with lightning but the mana cost scales way higher than zeus' lightning (starts 10 mana higher and ends up 40 mana higher than zeus). So if you were going to use it to cs better to keep it at level 1 and then focus on maxing edict and stun. Because the slow is no longer than the cast animation for stun its harder to hit the stun, but given that you shouldn't have been putting any points into lightning in early levels anyway its not really that much different.

                                                            low prio master

                                                              Slardar is now universal tool for climb mmr in any game/pick scenario.

                                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                My game keeps crashing wtf
                                                                Nvm it's my 3rd world problem I think
                                                                2 abandons which are matches not counted and I'm in LP gr8 fucking gr8

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                  i tried enchant
                                                                  not really dat strong anymor


                                                                    ^I guess you need to wait to be aggresive till you have at least 2 points in untouchable now because lvl 1 of that spell feels useless.

                                                                    Also enchant cooldown is longer than the duration on lvl 1 now so you cant keep re-enchanting creeps unless you have 2 points in that spell.

                                                                    So that leaves you with the options of going for a 2-2-1 build or 3-0-2/2-0-3 if you're playing offlane. I dont think it makes much sense to play pos 4 ench cause she's basically a discount chen.

                                                                    I feel like you realy need to try and utilize her lvl 6 powerspike considering how much they reduced the manacost on lvl 1 Impetus


                                                                      * Chen: Holy Persuasion can no longer target non-player allied creeps

                                                                      * Enchantress: Enchant slow increased from 2.25/3.5/4.75/6 to 3/4/5/6
                                                                      * Enchantress: Enchant dominate duration rescaled from 80 to 50/60/70/80
                                                                      * Enchantress: Impetus manacost rescaled from 55/60/65 to 40/55/70

                                                                      I wanna die rn


                                                                        I cant wait to see pangolier wrecking carries with bkb with his balanced swashbuckle


                                                                          but zeus is the game's most powerful nuker, arc lightning is enough to zone out the enemy mid


                                                                            ^Chen sending back the lane creeps was seriously broken im not sure why it took them so long to remove that.

                                                                            With that spell you could put a super sh1t offlaner there and he'd still be level 3 in 3-4 minutes in no matter what he did and by that time
                                                                            you already have a good creep + penitence so you can just go into that lane and make their carry's life miserable unless both supports are camping there to help him


                                                                              ^2 supports there just means 2 supports dead sometimes, chen in dual offlane is serious shit.


                                                                                Zeus is one of the only heroes who is nukes only
                                                                                And imo sky is better, tho he is a support


                                                                                  Ench player thinks they are good at the game when they auto win everylane except for gyro lane


                                                                                    me not saying i'm good tho,ench is just real good at getting solo mmr

                                                                                    @umbra i tried just letting untouchable to level 2 and getting enchant to lvl 2 then untouch again (after skill 3 lv 3)

                                                                                    2-2-3-1 (in numbers)

                                                                                    since i feel like i need those carties to push faster,the untouchable nerf is okay for me,she moves like a cheetah anyway

                                                                                    the problem is on enchant,for example if i got a hard lane i won't be able to convert the creeps and punching them with my slaves anymore,and the cart conversion is not 100% be alive anymore on level 1
                                                                                    well..probably ppl won't pick gyro that much anymore i guess,i forgot wat kind of a support that can destroy me,but if they 1v3 me anyway i'll probably feel good and knowing the other 2 lanes will won
                                                                                    if lane is literal danger zone i can just run to t1-t2 or t2-t3 and stack the waves anyway

                                                                                    forgive my stupid england

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      all i see is increase and decrease


                                                                                        Arc Warden: Magnetic Field AoE increased from 275 to 300

                                                                                        Isnt this a nerf?


                                                                                          Can some1 explain to me why Razor got nerfed again when he is already sub 50% win rate? Seems like whichever hero I try to specialize in Valve’s hammer is just round the corner!



                                                                                            Dark seer vacuum's aoe increase at lol 1 is pretty big. Slark getting more base hp regen will probably make a noticeable difference in the amount He is played


                                                                                              Can some1 explain to me why Razor got nerfed again when he is already sub 50% win rate? Seems like whichever hero I try to specialize in Valve’s hammer is just round the corner!


                                                                                              because he is still freaking strong? i mean you can pick him first phase and still get away with it because razor doesnt need mucha nd is so good against alot of the meta heroes


                                                                                                That slark regen is huge


                                                                                                  Tanga ka, they nerfed my favorite heroes, all right time to try other heroes then