General Discussion

General DiscussionCreate smurf for me

Create smurf for me in General Discussion

    Hi, Please make a smurf and pick I'm a beginner at the start. Then reply here with account link when you get high skill. Please help a brother out. Its for analysis thanks.


      scrubs trying hard to get vhs rofl
        Цей коментар було видалено

          Dont have an extra email address, if u have one send it here and i can create a vhs acc for u since i got nothing to do anyway

          Jimichael Butordan


            James Blunt

              Me i did that and i dunno maybe 5 games and i get high skill then vhs


                Hi dontgive, thats really helpful man. Mind telling me you actual mmr? Those are insane stats on the first 5 games.