General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying mid or safe for grind solo 2k-3k bracket

Playing mid or safe for grind solo 2k-3k bracket in General Discussion

    all in the title, would like to have some advice, well we all know thats at this bracket draft is bad so sometimes u dont have sup, but i like to play am or luna for crazy split ( i play luna mid too sometimes ). A friend say to me to even just spam WK safe or go jungle if i cant or should i try more and more mid and snowball ?

    Story Time

      the offlane is best for the climb


        well last year i have mainly play offlane but i don't like it no more in this meta, its impossible to play solo off u will have always a dumbass who gonna pick a carry in ur lane even if u say solo off in begin


          just focus on yourself dont blame games on bad teammates if youre gonna get higher mmr its because you are better than everyone in the game hands down


            You can climb with offlane i did it from 2.2 to 3.8 with offlane wr, just sometimes u have to pick what your team needs like supp


              Don't play AM You will feel useless if your other lanes are lost (which happens alot).
              offlanes in our bracket are just awful they have no idea about their hero limit and even in a 1v2 lane they can't call your bluff and they never aim to win lane just get some XP and start roaming. snowballing Offlanes like BB or Timber would work well