General Discussion

General DiscussionWeird thing about medals

Weird thing about medals in General Discussion
Erdal Kömürcü

    I have 2.851 solo and 3.620 party mmr

    but I have legend 4

    then i have checked here

    it says my mmr should be over 3.9k

    can someone explain what's going on here !?


      So what exactly is the issue?

      Or is this just an indirect humblebrag?

      Erdal Kömürcü

        dude i guess you do not understand what you read

        i am asking "why am i legend 4" cuz it says 3.9k+ can be legend 4 but me only 3.6


          same here ~3.6 legend 4 i think they ajusted the mmr. for me it was just oh new rank thanks and continue


            Who cares?

            dont be thrilled by this ...

              another bullshit post, just try to improve mate and no one gives shit about medals or mmrs unless you are divine 6 (top 2000) ...