General Discussion

General DiscussionPango enabled in captains mode

Pango enabled in captains mode in General Discussion

    Pango is a fun hero no doubt, but does anyone think he’s professionally viable?

    Will he get nerfed or buffed?

    How will pros pick him?

    He’s fun but Is he strong right now? Is he weak like how he was when he came in? Because I remember everyone calling him shit but then he was good all of a sudden, what changed? “ I’m thinking ult channel> cast time change was nice


      I think he will be abused. He's in a good spot right now until teams figure out how to deal with him.


        Roll cd nerf killed him. I never seen anyone pick this hero anymore


          I played him a lot, he is kinda imbalanced in some way.


            dumb hero

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              hero is definitely good, he has very apparent weaknesses though