General Discussion

General DiscussionRant about zeus

Rant about zeus in General Discussion

    No this isn't gonna be about how he sucks or how other characters are op or anything like that. Rather my irritation is...why are all the guides about him so misleading?

    Every time i play this guy, I end up becoming everybodies buttboy. Im always the main focus to the point where the enemy will more or less bypass the rest of my team just to kill me.

    So you would think blink dagger, would be the first item you get on this guy every single time, but its considered situational?

    I mean is there something im missing or are the guides on dota 2 not very good?


      Blink isn't a primarily defensive item
      He also has needs like Mana, and sustain
      If u want a defensive item like that pick up a force or euls
      Blink is for being aggressive


        My point still stands, you would think some sort of dash item would be like the VERY first item you get and yet it isnt


          Because he doesn't need it that early
          His incredible range means not every lineup will be able to get at you, and even if you need a defensive item like that, you usually want an earlier item like veil Kaya aether etc to help you kill in the early game. You won't need a defensive item until team fights start or your outer t1s die and you became easier to flank in the backlines. You are probably also not positioning as well as you should be (a common problem I feel that one as well)


            If you feel like You need more "escape" before you can increase your damage output to a certain level, Zeus is not the Hero for you. either change your style of play (positioning, rotating, etc), or pick a hero that fits your style of play.


              Yeah you're right i know for a fact im very fond of weaver and faceless void


                I believe zeus primarily played far on the back line, thus the only way you dead before your teammates dies, as a zeus whether you are ridiculously positioned yourself or the enemy pick you off guard alone, for defensive measure i prefer eulor force staff rather than blink, zeus need mana regen and mana pool, blink does nothing for 2250 gold


                  Usually you wanna start out with smaller items like veil arcanes -> aether lens and after that you need to not make a mistake that every single guy below 4k (and maybe even some above) make when playing zeus, and that is BUILD A DEFENSIVE ITEM. You need to be able to indentify which one is going to be the most helpful in the situation you're in. Euls, force or blink. Sometimes you need 2 of these. After that just go Aghs, hex, octarine or whatever.

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