General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport middle

Support middle in General Discussion
steff ou dzi

    Hi bois, can someone explain me wtf is in this meta with all these supports going middle? Ok i know dazzle and some heroes like that can go mid, but i've seen in past few days Midone on Phoenix mid, and now ccnc SK middle. Whats going on, why they are doing it? They have success tho


      Old school 4 protect 1 maybe


        you see heroes as supports and carrys, that is your problem
        a hero is a carry when he is given the main portion of the farm and gives the main damage output to the desired objecitves in the game

        the mid(pos 2) should almost always be the hero that can join the fights earlier than the pos 1 carry, the cases where this isnt happening are the ones where the matchup with the opposite mid just cant be profitable for the mid player, then a swap of the lanes is almost certain or simply a support goes mid for helping purposes

        you can go shadow shaman mid if it helps you get the desired tower/hero kills during the game, it just has to work