General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when you have a shit team that feeds

What to do when you have a shit team that feeds in General Discussion

    I felt like sharing my today's game, for those who found the Topic name interesting.


    I didn't win my lane (the CM kept feeding in lane) and I had a shit time CS ing thanks to PA and Ogre harrassing the shit out of me so I had to retreat to Jungle. On other sides of the map, The offlaners were a party who fed together, Mid was destroyed (Both the hero and tower), My support couldn't do anything other than feed, and there was shit talk in the team and they even flamed me (?!!!) . All qualities of a cancer unwinnable game. But despite all that they were still trying their best so I had to calm them with the words like "Please, It's fine". Not long after, we finally found our opening which gave us a chance:




    And finally

    As much as I love the attention, this is a post for people who complain about shit teammates. We all lose and most of the time It's really not our fault (Here We had a 0-6 Mid, 1-8 & 0-5 offlaners, and a 1-6 support in my own lane, How could this be my fault if we lose). But just because It won't be our fault doesn't mean It's not winnable.

    Some Tips I can give you about these types of games to keep you motivated:
    - The Enemy is exactly at the same skill level as your allies. If you believe you have dumb teammates who feed, chances are, Enemy are also dumb and feed, they just never got the chance to do so because they started stronger.
    - The enemy feels at ease when they're ahead, and they do stupid shit. I got a few solo pickoffs on Lina because She probably thought she could take any hero on. No way She'd be in those places if her team was losing (see photo 5)
    - The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Look at picture 3. That Lina was worth 1k Gold. That was more than 20% of our mid's total net worth! (from 4.7k to 5.7k)

    If you go through My PL games there are quite a lot of games like this (The long ones are all usually like this). I don't win these games because I'm that Gud, I win because I have learned that every game really is winnable If you stay calm and don't enter the flame war.

    Every game is winnable


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    yung griphook

      have a short memory

      Cancer Malaria

        so the enemy team was only aiming to kill and not push? very common in 2k bracket


          We only had 2 tier 2 towers at around 20 minutes in And I'd just split push, but yeah overall We didn't feel as pressured as we should've felt.


            solo carry


              GG next


                sometimes I see players like you

                that sound like they have a brain

                but then i see your rank

                and this isn't meant to trashtalk but if you have a working decent brain why don't you just practice a little bit and get out of there

                Mlada i Luda

                  your post is completely misleading, cause your conception about dota is so wrong. feeding doesnt make a game unwinable. is all about line ups and "wining condition ", if you ever heard about it ?! kills means nothing unles they happen around winning condition, which in that game is pl. so yeah this game could have beend unwinable, lets say from oracle or cm perspective if pl player is completely dogshit , an acc buyer or something like that, and he is the one feeding. about line ups, pl is the only tower presure in that game, and radiant doesnt have "tools" , to stop him unles they commit 4-5 heroes . so yeah that game is almost unwinable for radiant actually they have 0 tower presure, (lina and pa in 2018 lul). the only way radiant win this as i said is only if pl (which is wining condition hero in dire) is a completely dogshit player and feeds even he is in a fre pl game. that did not happend so it only proves that your not completely dogshit player , who won a game an ez pl game.. your team feeding doesnt mean shit in that specifik game.

                  chat banned :)

                    dont tilt and just play cause they just want to provoke you dude haha :)


                      holy shit, someone came back into the game from a loss

                      that never happened in the history of dota


                        I don't have the time to play that much, and I'm nowhere near good enough to be near your mmr. And being in this bracket doesn't bother me that much considering I'm not really trying .

                        @Mlada i Luda
                        I'm going to ignore you after seeing "pl is the only tower presure in that game, and radiant doesnt have "tools" , to stop him unles they commit 4-5 heroes". You know PA + Bfury is considered one of the counters of PL right?

                        Exactly, It happens alot, So it could happen and It's not just luck. It is in your own hands.

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                        Mlada i Luda

                          @Vandal . lul. thats what i though.


                            ^pa with bf is a strong counter to pl? well imho truely not. i mean any hero with a halberd is alrdy a hard counter to pa... pa is a trash hero :-D
                            i mean there is like lc (overwhelming odds 2x dmg to illusion), medusa (stone gaze kills illusions) and so on...

                            +i have to agree on mlada i luda, dota is all about winning conditions: in this game its all about pl (as OP also proved)


                              Why am i getting the feeling you ARE Mlada i Luda

                              Your Logic is flawed, you rule out PA because he can be stopped by Halberd (which btw nobody bought) which is true for most core heroes, and Lina because It's 2018!!

                              Anyways I can show you games I have played against Medusa, LC, Earthshaker, Sven,etc and won (I sometimes first pick PL and win) . PL isn't even among top 25 Tower Damagers ) but okay ....That was not at all my point of the post.... If you missed it, It's fine. Think what you will :)

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              Mlada i Luda

                                pa doesnt counter pl sir. not in this universe, sry.

                                tower damagers is not = "tower presure ", a concept your not familiar clearly. that makes me think even you had a fre win game, that you won, you still have no idea why you won it. that leads to the conclusion that those guys threw rly hard and they have 0 clue about dota, same as you. im sry to say that , cause you looks rly excited about it, but honestly your post doesnt prove the point that you think. yes the motivation part it is true, you could tilted from your team feeding probably and loose that game, but that game is not unwinable at all from your perspective, and this is not cause there are not " unwinable " games. , but it is cause forom what i explained in my comment before, this game is more unwinable from radiant than dire. more hard to win i mean.

                                im not flaming you , i know that 90 % of this forum maybe more all they know about dota is " kills" and " feeders", being determinant in game result.


                                  Actually Mafioso is mostly correct. The other team lost game at the drafting stage.
                                  It’s good that you rallied the team behind you and you know what you are doing while the other team did not do much to counter you apart from Miranda.
                                  Morale of the story is comeback is real as long as the hard carry know what he/she is doing.



                                    @Mlada i Luda

                                    The reason for that game looking unwinnable was the feedings and the flamings. I never said I saw no way of winning the game. I never even said the game was unwinnable. I had confidence that we would win it even at 20 minute mark where it was 26-5 or something (our mid 0-6 and theirs 11-0) and expressed it in team chat (I have experienced same shits before). But How does this not prove the point I was trying to make? It looked bad, we had crap net worth, we had lost most our towers, and We had shit talkings. and we still won. The point should be clear really....

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований


                                      You can't do shit. Just face the consequences of tilting/raging/being reported 4Head

                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        i understan but the example is not an example of unwinable games. unwinable games are those games which it doesnt matter if you tilt or not, you simply cant do shit to win the game from your perspective, cause the wining condition hero in your team is someone else, and he is having a bad time and tilt, or jsut play bad cause he is not aware of his job at the exact game given, cause he is bad at dota and he jsut losses that game for you. 1 just had 1 exact game like that, which im gonna show it later , i need to go now , bye.

                                        Mlada i Luda
                                          Цей коментар було видалено

                                            i think this post is about "look guys how good i am at carrying my team" every printscreen is about u killing 3 of them of somethink like that lol


                                              I admit It does look cool with my name there but I picked those times to emphasize on the point, which was just before the turnaround(Lina kills), and right after(I'm the core so I killed the most).
                                              One was after a solo kill on Lina to be able to refer to it in my post.
                                              And I think one of them is the replay bug where the streak text just stays there.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                The easyest way to loock is just I will play vs that team sometime. And belive or not you will as much as you play in that team you will play and aganst them, if it`s really not up to you.
                                                Unwinable game is only when your anchent is down.
                                                And kills, assists, tower demag earen`t everthing, as ppl up toold.

                                                I Give Ladies Anal

                                                  for every shit teammate that you have your enemy will have one too, whether it be in the same match or next match. Stop bitching


                                                    Anyone arguing against vandal could probably win that game too I'm guessing!


                                                      Congrats on the win tho, I guess you kinda have to thank the matchmaking system. If you had good teammates the game would be boring, its only fair for everyone if you have bad players. But if you had good teammates that means the matchmaking system thinks you're bad. That's basically how it works.