General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling vs Huskar - Pure 1v1 without ganks

Morphling vs Huskar - Pure 1v1 without ganks in General Discussion

    So i was always under the impression that huskar roflstomps morphling. Tried it in a lobby and morph seemed too eat huskar,
    Maybe i'm just a shithouse huskar, but who would you expect too come up on top?


      morph outlast hits huskar easily, and he deals pretty decent physical early on
      huskar spears arent enough to zone him out early on if morph denies everything, and once morph has lvl 2 stat shift he cant really be killed by huskar either
      thing is in the midlane, morph can draw creeps back and there isnt that much space for huskar to run at him and zone him out, and there is an uphill/downhill slowing huskar down
      but in a sidelane, if morph isnt hugging tower, he will have to run really far to escape huskar spears, and since huskar wont be afraid of being out of position to any support rotation or gank he can chase morph really far away if needed
      you start windlace on huskar just to zone morph and go fast boots into helm of iron will, and morphs attack range and ms r pretty low
      so you can just run at him so he can never approach the creep wave
      depends on the lane, and is not rlly accurate to a realistic game scenario

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        middle lane, morph has a shot, side lane he'll get crushed.

        But yeah, even if few people know about it, morphling can farm confortably against almost all heroes who are played middle. Considering how bad of a hero huskar is, it's definitly not out of question that he'll get crushed by morphling, assuming the first waves went wrong in terms of last hit/deny


          I feel so validated


            yeah my experiences with morph v huskar, was in a sidelane matchup.
            It litterally felt like i was sitting in the treeline watching the huskar free farm, So i assumed the senario would be the same for a midlane.
            Testing it in a lobby, i was mistaken. However i'm not sure if that was just me being bad.

            There is a powerspike at lvl 2 where huskar can win a fight, Lvl1 morph has an edge and lvl 3 morph becomes unkillable water guy.


              Huskar level spike starts at 3 not 2. He has real shit starting damage though I'd just focus on spamming spears at level 1-2 considering his awful attack.
              Unkillable as Morph may be, He cant always stay on strength or just dodge out, If it's a 1v1 he needs to contest for farm. so I think Huskar would win the match up. And It would definitely be over when he gets his Armlet.


                huskar would win morph needs all the farm in the game to come online huskar needs lvl 6