General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some guide about offlane !

Need some guide about offlane ! in General Discussion

    Hello, i like being pos 3/4, but when i choose pos 4 i dunno why i can't pick heroes initiator like FV,Enigma,Magnus,batrider,LC even Axe, i just don't like it for some reason. I like to pick offlane heroes like Razor,brew,beastmaster,doom,aba,timber which can rekt them even againts 3 lane. Does it good for me ? or i should learn that initiator heroes?

    And can MK be a pos 4 again ?


      i needed to check the hero list to see what hero FV is
      his name is simply to short to be used with the initials imho and writting void cand be much longer than writting fv


        ahahaha sry,, i always did that shit xD


          Wtf r u saying

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            U mean pos 3