General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are 3ks so damn bad at this game??

Why are 3ks so damn bad at this game?? in General Discussion
People still play Dota xd

    Anyone care to explain?


      why is water wet?


        stupid questions will get you stupid answers

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          You're 4k therefore in your perspective 3ks are bad

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            But I think the same way for fellow 4ks too
            Everyone is bad really

            People still play Dota xd

              4k is trash too, no doubt about that. But these guys I've been put with lately, jesus christ. I'm talking about the basics here, they don't get them.


                Aren't we talking something like the top 10 pct, 3(?) pct of players for 4k, who play the game? I'm guessing what you're seeing isn't so much people who are bad at the game but, rather, people who are just screwing around for that specific game and just don't give a crap about the other players in the server.

                I've played a ton of counterstrike and a lot of "bad" play in that game is just people who are eff'ing around out of spite, entertainment or boredom. In short, it's not so much that they are bad players but that they are unpleasant human beings.

                Also, keep in mind that if you are in a server with 3 other people who are playing seriously but the 4th is eff'ing around then you are going to tend to fixate on that 4th player. Do remember that there are 3 other players in the server who also have to put up with that 4th player, and try to focus on them rather than the screw off.

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                  Example: stacking camps as support. Super easy patterns. In sub 1k, I have about 300 games (inc. turbo), I was stacking camps and my carry told me he had never seen anyone stack camps in sub 1k. If you are playing support and not stacking camps then you have absolutely no business playing in a ranked match. Period. Regardless of rank/MMR. Playing support and not stacking camps absolutely means you are just eff'ing around and don't give a crap about your teammates.


                    ^rofl if you think stacking is all a support needs to do


                      way to miss the point eddie. in sub 1k supports aren't even doing that. how in the world did you get from "supports aren't stacking" to "the only role of supports is to stack".

                      nice reading comprehension.

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                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        4k and I dont stack camps at all lel
                        Stack isn't really game changing unless there are heroes like Sven and Luna involved.


                          most of my stacking is for lane equilibrium


                            ^thats a pull


                              whichever. I have 300 games. the point is that a lot of play that looks "bad" is really just people screwing around and not giving a crap

                              People still play Dota xd

                                Stacking and pulling that camp maintains equilibrium. Pulling alone fucks equilibrium further. So Grand is right.

                                When I say 3ks suck, I'm mainly focusing on those who either pick mid or hc, and they tend to be the 3ks. They either can't farm, give up too fast, rage, shit talk their supports or just genuinely can't play their heroes. They pick those roles because they don't want to support and end up getting trashed and costing me the game(Yes, I know its a game, but winning is nice, especially when I think I could have made it happen.) Carrying isn't for everyone.


                                  Supporting also isn't for everyone.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    You don't have to stack and pull anymore. Pull the hard camp nearby. I haven't stack and pull since last year.


                                      Dota isnt for everyone, supporting in 3k is probably the hardest role to do while playing core is way easier(based on my experience using my smurf) but from what i have seen, if you are way better than them, you can carry them alone.


                                        roaming is good in 3k

                                        people in 3k are bad, because some of them got to 3k simply by picking strong heros but have no mechanical skill and map awareness.
                                        Endless jungle hitting, filled with ''i climbed to 3k solo carrying 1ks", they still have the same mentality and cant play in a team.

                                        the mindset requiered to win in 1/2k is very different to what you need to do in 3k


                                          I stack the small camp at 1:54. I pull that camp into lane at 2:14.

                                          Yes, I stack and pull. I figured out in about 5 mins against medium bots that just pulling one stack actually makes the equilibrium worse. I would have thought from the context that stacking/pulling was obviously what I was talking about. Apparently not.

                                          I'm aware that you can pull the large camp too. It takes more practice and I've had my carry mess that pull for me. Therefore, it is more reliable for me to double stack the small and then pull that into lane.

                                          I usually get the pattern down so that the waves are constantly sitting right by the tower regardless of push.

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                                            What Abyss said. I really, really would not mind playing support here in SEA 3K, if I knew I could trust my cores. But I can't. It's truly a 50/50 whether I'll get decent cores, and awful cores. Same as other skill brackets and regions, I guess, but the awful are AWFUL. I would rather take the responsibility of the loss as a core, than do everything in my power as a support but see it slip away because of the iniquities of the carry, mid, or offlaner. A carry can still do shit even without a the best of supports. A support can't win the game without a carry, unless he himself becomes the carry(defeating the purpose)

                                            Oh yeah, the topic was about why 3Ks are bad in general... got off topic there.
                                            3Ks are the mix of people who have either A)gamesense or B)mechanical skill, but never both. The moment they find the other part, those are the ones who break through to 4K. 4K and above, from my understanding, is all about the refinement of the two