General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki's ultimate + BF/Mjol

Riki's ultimate + BF/Mjol in General Discussion

    I know back when Riki was first reworked people were building battlefurys and Mjollnirs on riki because his ult hit creep waves and gave him ember spirit like ultimates. Just wondering with the new single hero randomization if bf spreads the damage around that single hero to others.


      I didn't get the "ember spirit like ultimates" part


        as in riki's ultimate is similar to ember spirit using sleight of fist with a bf or mj


          Mjollnir attack speed doesn't do anything in ulti tho
          Bf is fine


            Casual maelstrom has nice synergy with ulti.

            Soul Eater

              But its not good enough to warrant a purchase imo. H8s cleave crits actually do dmg


                spaming maelastorm is good idea

                Potato Marshal

                  Why would you get bf or maelstrom after they made his ult only hit one target?


                    Aghs ulti lasts 10secs with an attack every 0.4secs right? So effectively 25 chances for maelstrom to proc - just a bit more than 6 procs/per ulti on average - seems worth it?

                    wonder if he could fit in some lifesteal as well so he always pops out of his ulti full health?

                    Potato Marshal

                      And what are the chances that your target is going to stand still there for 10 seconds while their allies also stand nearby to get hit by the chain lightning procs?