General Discussion

General Discussionriki needs buff

riki needs buff in General Discussion

    riki is only op in lower bracket but still trash in higher bracket. no team picks him at dac.

    the winrate is only boosted due to 2-4k trench which the players dont buy sentries or dust or fs.

    the winrate is sad 49% in 5k+ bracket with 22% pick.

    universe played it as offlane today and got trashed 1-11 and couldn't finish his diffusal when game ended on 26 min.


      49% less than a week after a change is not "sad" and playing a non-offlane hero in the offlane is not very representative.
      invis heroes are pretty much always going to be good or at least better in lower brackets because bad players inherently don't know or don't want to buy sentries, dust, or gems - it's a skill that needs to be learned and these people don't want to learn it, which is why they're in the brackets that they are.
      so yes - riki is not going to be shining in any game where people do this, just like zeus is unlikely to be very good in any game that people use denies and gank.
      however, using data this early on and giving an example of 1 player using him in the wrong context is not augmenting your argument and is fallacious. don't do that.


        Just need his 6 damage back my brother. Mann u cant hit any shit with that lame ass dagger


          if not talkin about prof scenes,tiny has 20% pickrate and 46.38% winrate on 5k


            riki needs more agi or base damage for early game