General Discussion


MOST OP ABUSE THIS PATCH in General Discussion
Solo Leveling

    Match 3815184227

    Go Look at this match. Our team was getting shit on. Their luna was like 20-2.

    At around 40 minutes in my team was pretty tilted. Luckily the Storm on my team was actually a good player: HERE IS THE STRAT


    I would ult into storm, he would zip halfway across the map and we would literally auto kill anyone in our path. He would euls when we got to the fight and my ult would literally just kill everyone while he is euls. Both players are completely untargettable. I literally racked up like 17 kills doing this in 10 minutes and we quickly turned the game around and won....

    I wish I had clips of the combo but its actually so ridiculous and OP i thought I would have to make a post about it. Please check the Net Worth graphs and win probability. Im telling you we had no business winning the game.


      Problem is:

      Any decent team will eat you up until you get that storm and riki online.

      Solo Leveling

        I mean i agree. and we were getting eaten up. We only had 2 racks left.

        Still won somehow tho XD


          every pro player seem to agree that the best riki build now is phase BF agha
          and you're a beast