Thats why he says 10th pick. A broodmother can get many drafts off guard and smash the midlane. The wrong supports rotating mid make it even worse, because she will just eat through them aswell. The best option is to let her on the lane alone, after her first powerspike (medallion), only def the t3 and hope for the best.
I can't play brood past laning
I don't get it
I dumpster lane then lose
Almost always
But the hero is still super fun idk why
I Lost today with broodmother in my team on 10th pick. I had 5-1-5 in 15 minutes as support. Broodmother managed to have 1-10-3. Against willow mid. And 5x4 coz their techies had no impact.
You still have to have game understanding as broodmother or you Will not win games.
Ancient Apparition Ancient Apparition: Дайте варды
Ancient Apparition Ancient Apparition: на квест :D
Witch Doctor Witch Doctor: cyka blyat
Tusk Tusk: dam ti kurac
Witch Doctor Witch Doctor: speak retard language on english server
Tusk Tusk: a ne ward
Tusk Tusk: jebem treusta
hahahah legendo
i mean you can always just do your player research, think your hero pick ahead and build relevant items like shiva and atos
i can see a brood pick coming from miles away.Git gud archon dogs.Blue starts too ? Embarassing
ppl srsly do that on that picking phase? that's pretty insane lol
looking thru opendota/dotabuff when picking phase
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I just wanna brag about broodmother taking my mmr and i cant even fight it back.