General Discussion

General DiscussionLF some help/advice doing better in this match as LC

LF some help/advice doing better in this match as LC in General Discussion

    Now you might have noticed I spammed LC a lot, because I love the hero and wanna get better on her.

    In this game I 2nd picked lc, I know and expected to be heavily counter picked but I felt that I also lost because I didn't itemized properly to pick off the supports. For instance, buying SB instead of BM would probably have been a better idea as I have little opportunity to duel juggernaut properly.The early and mid game was also not one sided and is balanced.

    I also opt for bkb which I sold it for an Aghas in the final push, as my team can't provide enough dps to help kill a duel target, which is another error on my decision making. I felt that if I opt for Aghas after sb I can have a better position to pick off or waste their time on me when I duel WW which I feel would be the best target in the game.

    Other than that, I felt that I lost because enemy has a better line up, and skill wise they are more or less the same. I would appreciate some valuable and good insights of what I could have done better to win this game thanks.

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    have fun

      errr i'm no lc player, but i'm pretty sure i wouldn't pick lc into ww and omni lineup


        When I picked lc they only had jugg, then they picked ww omni on their 2nd phase, then OD on 3rd.

        have fun

          hmm yea apart from the line up. i think you should go for dagger and sb combination to attack their backline, and create the perfect opening for chrono and invoker to do combo.
          i felt your invoker is pretty underwhelming too tho

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            maybe buy bkb instead of aghs because its trash?


              Biggest job is to get duel off, preferably on wyvern or Omni
              Dueling the carry is nice but their team can easily save so dueling the saving heroes is better here
              Think not just abt items but also abt strategy

              Potato Marshal

                Don't sell big items like bkb when you have 11k networth and are barely 3 slotted.


                  @chris well bkb didn't do much because they would just use something like embrace/imprison to save the duel target, and I'm susceptible to their dps. Thus I felt aghas would be the better choice after some consideration.

                  @potato well at the point it didn't matter much anymore, because we are 2 raxes down and jugg is the front attacking our rax with Es and Ww behind. So it was a last min desperate decision to sell off bkb to complete aghas.

                  Had I went for aghas in the first place after blink- sb, I believe I would have a different game and gold to complete a 4th item like orchid,since my team has enough space to farm about in the map during early and mid we were even in control with aegis until a bad team fight and things went out of control.

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                    I think it barely make any difference,even if you managed to agh duel one of them they could just astral their teamate,cold embrace or just curse you making you waste 4200 gold for an Item that doesn't have any impact.

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                      I think the best posibble way to win that match is just being a iniator rather than DMG dealer,opt for more tanky build and aura and just let you main carry and mid do the DMG since most of the time your ult would barely make any DMG.


                        @Rogue Thing is my carry can barely do anything because of the same mentioned reasons,and bkb is useless because juggernaut and only 5 seconds.

                        Aghas would have allow me to duel ww without getting slashed away by their juggernaut,and 10 seconds from aghas would have allow me to kill ww as I have enough dps from duel damage early on, or at least leave ww at red which my team would finish him off with the 10 seconds opening.

                        Also with 10 seconds dueling their ww, omni would be forced to used his ultimate to save ww after imprison as ww is very soft and I have decent dps to kill ww in 5 seconds. If he doesn't it would be a 4 v 5. Also to mention how the 10 seconds is the only way to create space for my team to initiate on the remaining 4.


                          blade mail was useless here cause they have lots of saves anyway u also should have gone with aghanim ( aghanim gives u spell immunity during duel) first so that u can safely kill a support or waste their defensive spells the duration is also long enough that an astral imprisonment might not even be enough to save one

                          Story Time

                            if you think that LC is all about that dual, you are wrong. Being flexible in playing every hero is a solution to any "help, i am countered" problem


                              @Kotato Well I already had my answers to this thread already,but I suggest you read the first sentence of my post.