General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to pick a specific offlaner

When to pick a specific offlaner in General Discussion

    guys so i just started offlaning and can u tell me when to pick an offlaner against who etc

    Story Time

      hahahahaha, so you think you will get to counter pick in a public lobby? HAHAHAHAAHA You will be forced to pick offlaner real early there and then suffer from being countered, so just get a jungler so u dont feed in lane and feed to creeps


        You should pick offlane at 3rd or 4th phase because you dont want to get countered by a support cuz ur life will be miserable(like first pick enigma then enemy picks silencer)

        If the enemy have no early wave clear or something, np is a good pick.

        You can first pick heroes like underlord and omni cuz they are meta heroes and are strong laners too.

        ask your team to pick lane bullies like ogre, bane, shaman etc and ask them to pick an aggressive roamer like chen, tusk and earth spirit.

        2 1 2 laning is good.

        First pick dark willow is fine, pick pugna off if they have lots of nukers.

        pick a ranged offlaner if your carry might get countered by a potential mk or ursa pick.

        There are lots of jugg first pickers these days, puck, dark willow, bb, omni, tide are good against him at laning phase


          Honestly, it just depends on your creativity to know what offlaner to pick


            dont listen to kotato
            even if u get countered, jungling is by far the worst thing u can do
            if u pick offlaner 2nd or 3rd ull be fine
            if ur ever unsure just pick underlord

            6k animal

              When i pick underlord, they just pick shadow shaman or some other shit like disruptor and just hit me over and over again and run away with their superior movement speed, and I can never chase them or hit them or ever get any xp at all. How do i fucking play underlord when this shit happens every game in 4k bracket?


                ^ask someone to pick an aggressive roamer like tusk/chen/earth spirit or a lane partner like undying then dual lane with them, im pretty sure that you will win that lane 2v3


                  U can ignore disruptor as underlord he is practically a non factor in lane
                  Literally just survive a couple levels and shove wave and harass with firestorm
                  If the carry is always lowish hp from harass he usually won't feel comfortable going for kills with his spooky support
                  Bring lots of Regen, it's usually hard to kill you lvl 1, and if you can get some of those levels and sustain in lane it becomes much harder to kill you
                  If u do die, then die making space, taking someone with you, or putting out enough harass and dmg to make the carries life harder. Also if u die, try to make sure ur pushing the wave to keep them from taking the tower.
                  Rotate to take bounty runes if they're rlly punishing
                  If u can close the gap on supports by hiding in trees or smth then u usually win trades against supports, and u win trades against most carries too. All you rlly need is a small intermediary item like mek, drum, hood, vanguard/crimson, to start having good contribution.


                    believe it or not ur job is to keep the supports in ur lane. A list of things you can do. Die. When you die they used all their mana usually and will go back to fountain thus they are not ganking ur mid laner. Pull. You can run behind the t1 tower and pull some creeps. You do not need to pull it all the way back to tower you can just string it along for a while and then tp back to ur tower. This will make double wave. Do not save gold buy as many items as possible.

                    Story Time

                      ^ all those advice are not for his low-mmr bracket :D mind my word, i gave the best advice for you


                        If you pick Lone Druid almost all of the stuff these guys are talking about becomes irrelevant and you are given the lane for free.

                        [✓] can meme pull with ZERO counterplay
                        [✓] forces supports to stay in lane and watch you farm under tower as the enemy carry struggles to contest cs
                        [✓] can dumpster any support duo and can 1v3 as soon as you get level 5
                        [✓] dominator is core
                        [✓] can have nothing but stout and two branches and still kill your carry
                        [✓] can melt buildings
                        [✓] can literally melt cores with radiance
                        [✓] is also a carry


                          Is also rlly hard to play let alone master

                          Optimus Drip

                            Pick a hero you want to learn and first pick it every game. Easiest way to learn counters. After about 50 games you will know a decent amount of info about your hero . After 100 games you will learn what your counters are. After 200 games you learn some cool combos. After 500 games u could give a f0ck about your counters. At 800 games you think your hero is op and you now can pick him in any lane. At 1200 games u hate ur life and wish you didn't pick techies.


                              oh Christ you really do have 1200 techies games :D how many reports do you get?

                              Optimus Drip

                                Not too many. I've never got low prio. About 10% extra games are lost due to griefs though


                                  Jesus christ, i gave bad advise for a guardian player


                                    You should try few offlaners to understand your comfort picks, and playing style.

                                    If you like sit-back farms: Lone Druid, Underlord, Beast master

                                    If you want to make their lives miserable and like being aggressive: Axe, Razor, Batrider, Tide, Brew

                                    If you want to contribute in carrying late games: Tiny, Dragon Knight

                                    It really depends on your style and comfort picks. Once you find that, you will always find the ways to negate the threats and do offlane stuff.