General Discussion

General DiscussionTactical feeding in offlane

Tactical feeding in offlane in General Discussion

    Not a joke topic, seriously though if your offlaner can do a lot, feed, tp back etc people will run out of regen and the lane equilibrium would be messed up, and early feeds aren't worth much. I'm not an offlane player so that's why I'm asking.


      I mean
      U shudnt do it on purpose, but the way I look at it, if u die, try to burn their regen or shove the wave or get a return kill or mess up equilibrium etc.


        if you die not meaningless deaths,it's pretty good
        making enemy run out of regen,making the wave push out to you


          actually, that's plan B and you only attempt it if running safely isn't possible. The reason this is plan B eventhough it gives little bounty is because it will make their support gains morale, it is better to make them fail ganking so they will be disheartened and frustrated


            Yes i think its worth in the early level


              Tactical feed is acquired when u suicide at enemies in order to give advantage to your teamfight. This includes suppresing enemies, give vision at them and/or absorbing enemy damage for your team...

              Mlada i Luda

                yeah for sure. if its the only way to ruin theyr creep quilibrium, you have to go for it. its actually up to enemy if they fuck up and kill you.

                that might sometimes tilt your retarded teammates though. what happens after you die twice doing that, some deadbrain support will comme into your lane to "help" , by satying afk behind you to "protect " you from not dying, while you are under tower will a full creep wave completely safe, cause you already set up for that by dying in order to take full exp under tower. thats the momment when i want to rage quit lol.

                SASA POPOVIC

                  Well they changed how gold works, now when its based on networth you will have 0 if you are zoned out and havent touched a creep, so he will get 150-ish gold for your kill, thats like 3 creeps he probably missed while killing you so excluding EXP, no harm done really.

                  Optimus Drip

                    Literally how you techies offlane. Except you make sure u suicide and do half their hp.