General Discussion

General Discussion36 percent winrate, enlighten me sirs

36 percent winrate, enlighten me sirs in General Discussion


    Story Time

      at least not negative :D

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        7ckngBad not 7fckngBad

        Lruce Bee

          You overcalibrated mate.


            i calibrated at 3.3 and i thought i was so good that i always get tilted in every game for every mistake my teammates make and lead me to a shit hole game for a week that resulted to this. But i think I can go back there in a week cause hanyolo enlightned me

            Lruce Bee

              How much did you drop btw? Just so we know what we're dealing with here.

              Lruce Bee

                Serious answer, Usually you drop because u dick around with roles, heroes you're not used to. Or you could really have overcalibrated.


                  Create new account and win more

                  Solo Leveling

                    I dunno how you cant manage a 2.00 KDA on heroes like SF or Tinker....


                      you are losing more then winning m8