General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone help me with how to win games

Can someone help me with how to win games in General Discussion

    Ive been stuck at around 3.5k for a month or so now and the games that i lose often feel unwinnable. I know they should be and that im making mistakes i would just really love some advice. The main issue im having that if my lane is the only one that is won i cant convert it into a game win, so im wondering if there is something i should be doing? I make rotations to other lanes if needed ( i tend to play pos 1 in my games) but even then it feels like there is something i am missing. It also hurts that enemy teams pick 4 cores and get away with it in the solo games i play, what can i do against this? Any help is appreciated and will probably start a conversation. Thanks in advance :)


      behavior score 4What?


        my behaviour score is good, i get a lot of commends and some reports


          then git gud scrub loooool


            thanks for that helpful comment XD

            Solo Leveling

              I can tell you from my experience I got out of 3.5K bracket (which is one of the toughest brackets in the game because you are mixing higher skilled players with lower skilled ones) playing 3 heroes, each with their own role.

              Carry i played Spectre, no matter how bad the game goes Spectre usually can scale well into mid/late game in this bracket because no1 seems to know how to end the game pre 30 minutes.

              Support I played Mirana, P4 Roam, I like mirana because not only can I spoon feed kills to my team with arrow. But the utility provided from her ultimate kind of forces your team to group and make plays which is nice in a bracket where no1 ever wants to group.

              For Midlane I played mainly OD. He is solid at pretty much all stages of the game. Doesnt need a whole lot of items or Farm to impact. and doesnt need to be babysat. Also the utility of his Astral Imprisonment is so underrated. It pretty much automatically secures kills if someone is out of position and can also be used to save urself with blink combo or Allies.

              I'm not saying you need to play these three heroes. But you should really limit your hero pool to what you are most comfortable with and can impact the game with at all stages.

              Solo Leveling

                But if you want a quicker way to grind out I would honestly learn Visage and play the hero in every game no matter what position you are.

                Medallion HOD + Birds = GG

                Disturbed Jawker

                  Idk whats up with everyone telling people to spam visage to get out of 3k u don't need to spam a hero to climb easily

                  Solo Leveling

                    I mean its easier to spam a hero to gain MMR than to pick a different one every game.... Why is that a confusing concept

                    Solo Leveling

                      Visage is literally sitting at a 61% winrate in Ancient Bracket. That is fucking Godly % thats why I say spam him.

                      Im currently on a 6 game visage winstreak and barely know what Im doing

                      Disturbed Jawker

                        oh he has a pretty high fuckin winrate.

                        alright nvm go spam visage and climb easy

                        Solo Leveling

                          ^ haha <3

                          Solo Leveling

                            DickDick Im gonna add you, I need good ancient battle cup teamates my friends all suck :D


                              Look at my recent games


                                1.don't hesitate on winning
                                2.mute annoying players and try no to talk with them
                                3.Focus on the picking phase and communicate with u teammates for picking
                                4.Focus on the game
                                5. Focus More
                                6. Focus More
                                7. and u will win and even if u don't it doesn't matter there is a next one :D


                                  If u winning ur lane as carry then try to tp to other Lanes in case the enemy dives ur team just so u can get ur other Lanes in a decent position too. That is what I've done in my games when I'm few lvls ahead so we can just win faster even with less farm. Still I'm just archon so it may not work at higher lvls. Still gl in ur games


                                    if u dont have behavior score F(due the alot of abandons and crap internet ) as me then u dont know the toxicity show how its