General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes that you wouldnt want to be on your team.

Heroes that you wouldnt want to be on your team. in General Discussion

    Topic. For me its invoker, cuz he gets ganked easily, doesnt really work out when behind, and players are sumiya wannabees and try to first pick joker.


      A lot actually


        Antimage, he sucks every game.
        Pudge, wannabe Dendi with new Acana.
        Rubick, no impact on lane and dont go gank other lanes.

        Visita Hari Danta



            AM if not played by me
            arc warden
            mk carry


              meepo (wannabee 5k that actually cant play meepo)


                i only don't want noobs in my team and those mostly pick pudge even enemy morph played better than some of them


                  every mid firstpicks


                    i dont want techies, magina and drow on my team... mostly because the players picking those make retarded decicions. techies has no impact at all, magina last pick and enemy has void+aa, drow last pick with 2 melee cores. like the heroes are tagged with "only pick when braindead" by volvo

                    Mlada i Luda

                      i dont remember when i won for te last time with a, void, invoker, furion,clinkz, in my team

                      Bill Cutting

                        Jungle natures prophet that builds carry items and Midas gtfo


                          Support kotl in my lane
                          Literally feeds xp to the offlaner and ruins my cs
                          Then flames me for being behind :thinking:

                          Shit like am and invoker still have situational scenarios where they shine, heroes like drow just feel useless

                          Potato Marshal

                            Mid Kunkka, off Timber or MK, and PA anywhere.


                              There was just a thread like this last week. I can't stand having leshrac, tusk, skywrath, am, or injoker on my team.

                              Solo Leveling

                                This might sound weird but I absolutely hate it when players pick Winter Wyvern or AA on my team to support. Like majority of players butcher these heroes and you are left in lane with no reliable damage or Harass. Then some 3k player saves the entire enemy team from a perfect AOE ult with his retard WW ult


                                  Mlada i luda u have 42 winrate and complaining about teammates.


                                    Sniper, weaver, drow, luna. Seriously there are so many other better carries out there. Along with jungler picks and when my offlaner picks a really passive hero and doesn't annoy the enemy carry and letting them farm meanwhile I take 200 damage for getting 1 last hit as a carry.


                                      It's not about the heroes for me but the players with blatant disregard for game-changing spells.

                                      Don't want Void player who uses chrono on 1 roaming support after 20 minutes. Same with Enigma's Blackhole, Tide's Ravage, or Earth Shaker who Echoslams before blinking in.




                                          AM, Techies, Riki and Spec.

                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                            drow is not bad. spec is more bad imo. dont blame drow he is one of my favorite hero.

                                            Mad Scientist

                                              I hate any jungler lol, but i always ban am or sniper

                                              else i hate any medusa going first item linken or skadi no impact at all

                                              next i hate afk farming invoker i know you need aghs but seriously buddy can't you defend that tier 2 with tornado or sht?

                                              Last i hate windranger, i just purely hate her


                                                MIRANA indeed


                                                  Lol drow gets countered so hard, close the distance and her ult is non existent. How's spec bad? She gets early rad and thats it.


                                                    Why do you all hate Windranger. Am I the only one still using her?


                                                      i want,i want to use her badly

                                                      that focus fire moving seriously killed her potential,i hate that (350 aspd)


                                                        Yes, it was changed so she can be played differently. Javelin > Maelstrom now.

                                                        Although, I use her as position 4 with max shackle and wind run (plus lvl 10 talent + wind run slow).


                                                          i'm a bad supp sadly,rip

                                                          mid wr feels so bad in my opinion now,can't really kill people before that javelin
                                                          cd of focus fire too long too


                                                            any type of Jungle pick... Jungle sucks these days... less xp and gold and make your other lanes weaker at the same time... where is the upside? Give me a roamer any day over that...

                                                            As for specific heroes... Pudge who is borderline useless most games (wannabe Dendi type players as someone mentioned above) and Techies who is even more useless. Shadow Fiend comes close also... picked far too often for what he offers.


                                                              Yes, WR can't core now and will only be a situational offlaner pick. She was my go to core hero when I'm playing with my friends.


                                                                Alchemist. They always end up being useless the whole game.




                                                                    Any midlaner, because I always want to mid. Semi kappa
                                                                    Seriously, I can't stand a WW or Naga on my team. I know they're both theoretically good, but the amount of teamfights lost they'd use their ults just as we commit ours, and end up losing out on all the damage and CC, still infuriates me when I think about it. Or, in WW's case, heal-lock me when I've jumped in and am trying to dish the damage, giving the enemies the time to setup to obliterate me when I come out of the cold embrace.

                                                                    SASA POPOVIC
