General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy nobody build battlefury on lifestealer?

Why nobody build battlefury on lifestealer? in General Discussion
Mad Scientist

    Seriously farming for radi is so stupidly slow can i replace it with bf? Someone help me


      For what ? ask his agility attack speed he intends to fight not to farm

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        The same reason why people don't buy battle fury on CK: Their power spike is very early to mid game compare to other hero who rely on farm/items (e.g. Antimage)

        Pale Mannie

          why farm when you can kill everyone at 20 minutes obviously


            Im pretty sure people build bf on ck


              even in 5 minutes you can destroy the ancient w/out bf


                Bf ck is terrible
                Radiance is to deal with kite, battlefury is to hit creeps.


                  radi is way better just for +1000 gold,if you feel you farm slow just buy medalion first for your farming or armlet


                    i've tried it a few times and bf is pretty okay on lifestealer, it's a decent pick up against PL because lifestealer is one of the only two heroes that can lifesteal from illusions, enabling him to manfight PL if he has to

                    his late game is pretty strong too thanks to his talents


                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      i buy battle fury on almost every melee carry heroes and i always get high gpm so yeah

                      btw im not pro or anything
                      but after some games i checked my dotabuff and saw my games with "high" skill bracket and i was so happy
                      then one time i played ES and i suck so much and after that game im back to normal skill bracket
                      how to go back to high skill bracket?


                        isn't it mostly better to go radi+solar+evasion talent on lvl 20 versus illusion based heroes? since mkb is a bad item pickup for illu heros

                        or not?


                          mkb is actually a pretty good pickup for illu heroes because it gives mostly attack speed, which illusions completely benefit from

                          personally im not a huge fan of that build, if only because against PL you are prone to getting your mana burned really quickly all the same and you dont have as much kill potential on him

                          it's a timing-based build that looks to snowball if they don't have specific answers to your magic immunity/ancient infesting, personally i don't think it's that great against illusion heroes actually

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            i see,thank you for your answers


                              zenoth can u check my problem? cant really post thread bcuz im new to dotabuff


                                it's a timing-based build that looks to snowball if they don't have specific answers to your magic immunity/ancient infesting, personally i don't think it's that great against illusion heroes actually
                                so what you do when you against pl (or ck) and whats the best way to play ls nowadays?


                                  play axe sith radiance

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Its fine but you picked the wrong hero if you wanna buy bf


                                      I don’t see why not, if pl can buy battle fury so can ls.

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        Hi noob. It's 2k18 and people still think rad is some kind of substitute for bf.

                                        Λce - Succubus

                                          Is your hero melee?
                                          Is your hero carry?
                                          Is your hero's primary stat Agility?
                                          Does your hero need farm to be effective?

                                          If you get Yes to all 4, you can go BFury.
                                          That order from top to bottom shows how good Bfury is for your hero.

                                          boni top fan

                                            @Zenoth-sama, when should i go battlefury against pl and when should i go for solar crest and radiance when against him?