General Discussion

General DiscussionIs versatility necessary to get into HS or VHS

Is versatility necessary to get into HS or VHS in General Discussion

    Can I spam 1 or 2 hero continuously to get into HS or VHS


      You can get to 5k playing 1 hero only so it is possible, even badman got to leaderboards spamming spectre

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        If you unironically cannot get high skill despite trying to, then you simply dont belong there


          Don't have to be versatile to climb if u know how to play a couple of heroes well, just dont pick them when the enemy counters them
          e.g. don't pick underlord into huskar


            Welcome to Normal skill! 😁😂😅😀😘

            casual gamer

              u never need to be versatile at any skill level

              Dire Wolf

                Yes as long as it's not like super countered by something. Because to always get your lane you probably have to first pick. If you first pick a hero every time like medusa enemy teams will just counter you with nyx, invoker, am all the time. Some of those counters are ok, but it makes things harder. If your carry is something versatile like jug then it's fine. If support, same deal, but most supports are more versatile. I feel like spamming shaman right now would work really well.


                  if you feed 17 deaths with spirit breaker in normal skill (free win hero) then you are just too dumb to play dota.

                  if you cant think beyond "press Q on first enemy hero i see on the map" dota isnt your game.


                    just got my blue star <3


                      Bulldogg won a TI by playing 3 heroes.


                        if you created a new account just to get vhs then you should reevaluate your life imho