General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO PLAY LONE DRUID

HOW TO PLAY LONE DRUID in General Discussion

    how to play lone druid, the real counter of lone druid , and when to pick ? thanks for any advices later appreciate it.


      Domi rush into radiance, then end


        okay. any advices ?


          domi rush into radiance then end


            domi rush into radiance, then end

            if you dont end in the next 5-10 mins then lose


              when to pick?
              your team needs: splitpush, objective taker, strong solo laner
              enemy team doesn't have: good vision game, strong lanes, good waveclear and high ground defence

              how to play? get the hotd before first cata wave and siege all outter towers with double siege wagon, use that gold to get a radiance, get aegis for your team and end the game.

              the real counter? any hero that can gapclose and kill the hero really quick (like pa or timber) or enough hp/reg to not care about the radiance burn (again, timber^^ or maybe axe sounds good)

              Machado98 #xatubaking

                Some counters: heroes that can insta kill your siege creep (Mirana, Clinkz, Doom, any midas holder). Killing the siege creep will slow your push but no stop it, use your brain to tell when to keep going. Tip: try to push in the siege creep wave minutes against these heroes, after they kill your siege just dominate another

                Heroes that can stop your push, specially high ground: Kotl, Techies, Tinker. Nothing you can do here, maybe rat, wait for your team to initiate something, you can't push against these infantile heroes

                These are counters but honestly if you are good you can play around them easily, I've been spamming LD, some matches even in your bracket, it's basically free mmr


                  so ld and dr its kinda same pattern / worked when going to push objective ? haha , anyway thanks for the participation

                  lone dog

                    Just check the most up-to-date guide on dotafire :v


                      I feel like even tinker can't repel a bear with MoM bkb push


                        Or the warcry bkb talent maybe

                        Johnny Travaka prime

                          Tribo succ -25 mmr ,weren't expecting me ?