General Discussion

General DiscussionLD Offlane Pull

LD Offlane Pull in General Discussion
Machado98 #xatubaking

    I have been spamming offlane druid and I just can't lose my lane, I might lose the game but the offlane is easily won only because I do the infamous offlane pull with the bear and in my potato bracket none has countered me so far

    The thing is, how can someone counter it or play around it? I know it won't work forever and with everyone so what can I expect in a counter play?

    Besides, when I am playing support and the offlaner pulls my creeps I can't counter it too, would really appreciate countering it


      @lone dog


        i think you should be careful if there's 2 supports that can close the gap fast. if you focus lone, he's actually easy to kill.

        Suck my tiny curry dick

          @lone dog


            @lone dog


              If ur a half decent ld player then u keep ur distance, and u get lvl 2 with ur pull, once u have rabid u can kite supports rlly well and once u have Savage roar u r pretty hard to go on


                Do you pull your creeps until between your tier 1 and tier 2 towers?

                I think the only way to counter this are heroes that are able to face creepwaves pretty efficiently (Rather tanky, good regen, high damage).
                Or maybe if the enemy attempt to pull your creeps to one of the camps (getting even more farm).

                I often times attempt offlane pulls but i havent seen anyone attempt the offlane pull, so i havent try these out myself.

                Machado98 #xatubaking

                  I pull creeps behind the enemy t2 with the bear then I tp out, usually works

                  When the carry just tanks my creep wave I makes the pull useless I just use the bear to aggro creeps and drag them behind my t1

                  lone dog

                    you can either kill the bear mid pull OR you can destroy his lane and will to live by diving him?
                    "Uhh but diving at level 1?"
                    If he's not a retard and pulling then he's probably just going to do the little circle pull that doubles the wave instead of actually taking the wave. When the double wave meets his tower, he is EXTREMELY vunerable to diving as there are a billion creeps there.
                    So basically pick something like tusk and literally just dive him lvl 1. He cannot do anything and will die if you get close to him.

                    So to reiterate lone druid is a garbage piece of shit at level 1 that cannot do anything but cs really well so take advantage of this weakness and make his life miserable. Odds are if you kill him you can also take his tower super early which is a disaster for him.

                    lone dog


                      I say this because that exact scenario happened to me in a game and I like 0-3 at 2 min and ready to smash that abandon button. Naturally master of positivity I kept my cool and played around it we ended up winning anyways.

                      I now nominate ban tusk in my ld offlane games though for real.


                        Why ban tusk when u can pick him instead?

                        Suck my tiny curry dick

                          Why ban ld when u can pick him instead?