General Discussion

General DiscussionPosition 5 nerfed to hell

Position 5 nerfed to hell in General Discussion

    For starters, i'm sub 2k. That said, the basics of dota are not rocket science. Just checked the aggregate win rates for all heroes and the highest ranked identifiable position5 hero is CM. She's only the 25th highest winrate. Pudge, spirit breaker and elder titan are ranked above her but they are usually considered position4. Venge is in the top 5 but in the guides she is almost always played as core, not support, so I doubt her winrate is due to being played at position5. (Yes, I am aware that players with advanced skill and knowledge can play things like support wraith king but I only have around 350 games, including turbo).

    Basically, at least in lower skill brackets, valve has systematically nerfed the hell out of position5 support role. At this point, I'm wondering if the meta has gotten to the point that in low skill you just play 4 cores and a roaming ganker. Forget willingness, is it even viable to even have a position5 in sub 2k (or even sub 3k)?


      it is, if you knew how to properly play it. pos5 dominates the early game and punishes mistakes, stalling any growth


        I loved CM. The culture in sub 2k games is really bad for her.





            if you look at the attribute changes Int heroes were all generally nerfed ending up with far less HP and Magic resistance. Strength heroes got a lot more HP and Magic resistance. Agi heroes lost some HP but now have a lot more attack speed and armour.

            Since most supports are Int heroes it makes sense that their winrates will drop.

            This reddit thread has a spreadsheet showing the changes for each hero if you're curious


              if u knew what u were doing u could be 10-0 with a bane or wd in 10 min in 2k mmr


                Its better to just pick 4 cores + jungler if you're below 2k.

                People playing support there just sit afk in the trees in the laning stage anyway (at least they can jungle if they pick cm lol). They dont understand the concepts of pressuring the lanes, showing/hiding themselves on the map, warding actual useful spots, making rotations or smoke ganks. And most of them just build brown boots into aghs.

                And players in general don't understand the relative strenght difference of the teams and because of that they dont know what's the right timing to take objectives or fight. The games are usually dragged out slug fests where not a single core has a decent amount of farm because:
                A) They dont know how to farm
                B) There's 4/5 cores


                  i picked techies and fed 35 times, blocked the courier and fed it aswell, gave the enemy team all wards and made creep stacks w/ catapults, i'm not even counting the mines gold

                  i still won

                  it's impossible to lose in 2k, unless you intentionally throw the game.

                  Lruce Bee

                    there are a few pos 5 that have high winrate man. CM seems the best low mmr pos 5.

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Pos 4 heroes are great at 2k because people there are easily shaken by kill counts, one guy gets killed often and they start flaming each other
                      They don't take how good the lanes are into account
                      Their morale crumbles real quick and they start going insane


                        Pos 4 heroes
                        are great at 2k



                          Because ur dumb

                          POS 5 is fine u can win as whatever if u know what ur doing


                            Pos 5 has become the most important role now due to the laning atage and 5stack meta. All i can see are 25-30 roflstomps everywhere.

                            Potato Marshal

                              Nigga, you a herald, pos 5 doesn't exist in that bracket.

                              Cheesy Wenis

                                I would suggest going pos 5 in <2k only if you are also grouped with a buddy that is a reliable core. The entire point of pos 5 is to amplify the performance of the other 4 in your team at the cost of your 5, but if your other 4 are idiots then it doesn't really matter how amplified their performance is. +150% of 0 is still 0.

                                Solo Q'ing a fully sacrificial support without teammates that are worth sacrificing yourself on is bad math.


                                  Pos 5 buys all utility items, pos 4 doesnt switch to warding later on, pos 4 needs something like dagger to have an impact, this is what low mmr players tend to forget, pos 4 ISNT a hard support, you would want to maximize the capability of the pos 4 hero, an earth spirit or tusk with early dagger can be game-changing rather than a disruptor with early glimmer cape or cm with early midas


                                    Sure team tower bounty got nerfed but it just compensates for the bounty rune change last patch, so its pretty much equal.


                                      Because ur dumb

                                      Washed up why so much archonic hate?


                                        does this game 'evolved' to the point of newbie cant play unless they follow guide anymore?

                                        Guide just show you a general build that could be applied to everygame, but sometimes not the most efficient one.

                                        Roling is unimportant for those below archon, the only thing they must know that when they play, they shouldnt farm all day, kill if possible in early game, search kill in midgame as it gives more gold and satisfaction, and pushes late game without diving enemy base then throw the game.
                                        It's just a game for fucksake, is it fun playing with neutral?
                                        It is good to see tournament replays to know how to play, but you should also understand they are pros and coordinated, unlike you, public player with untrustable carry everytime


                                          Because ur dumb

                                          Washed up why so much archonic hate

                                          Because after 2k+ games he’s still a toxic shit player who can’t get out of 2k mmr


                                            Gotta love the "if you knew what you were doing" comments. First off, "know what you are doing" is a relative concept. Liquid.Miracle would say the same thing about your game. If I "knew what I was doing" by your standards I wouldn't be sub 2k and wouldn't be asking in the first place. Also, if my only goal were ranking up I would be doing the whole "mid or feed" thing and not interested in support at all.

                                            My initial question was sincere and specific: is it even viable to position5 in sub 2k? it's a serious question. Lots of stuff that can work in Dota isn't viable in sub 2k (e.g. Lone Druid)

                                            FWIW, I have over 800 commends in just over 350 games (2.3/game), so some people must think I'm doing something right. Also, I've had dozens of people tell me I was the best support they've ever played with (yes, I know sub 2k isn't a high bar).

                                            I appreciate the guy who advised not to postion5 without a buddy you trust playing a core.

                                            Another thought: is warding even necessary in sub 2k? It seems there is very little situational awareness or even registering what enemy hero is where and who we need to avoid.


                                              wtf my witch doctor lvl 1 has suddenly 400 hp


                                                btw, almost everyone seems to have missed that my comment was predicated on the overall winrates of heroes in sub 2k

                                                13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                  IMHO supporting in 2k isn't really viable, 2k's prefer to farm all game then the one who has the most farm tends to win most of the time. There's no objectives, that's why it's always 5-carry lineup in 2k.

                                                  There's nothing you can get from supporting someone who doesn't know how to carry, it's carry-your-own-ass style in that bracket. 3k is the best time to learn support. Just focus on improving your mechanical skill until then.


                                                    I literally only found out now that NA+Cl is Washed Up... I'm stupid. Welp. Thanks for the reveal anyways Tribo


                                                      ^ He’s really hard to miss