General Discussion

General DiscussionTips and tricks on offlane? (pulling and contesting pulls)

Tips and tricks on offlane? (pulling and contesting pulls) in General Discussion

    If i were playing as an offlaner, i would usually put a ward down on the highground near the enemy small camp (so i can get vision on the lane too) if they got weak lanes, etc. I mostly do that whenever i feel confident with my lane so i can attempt pulls and contest enemy pulls more easily. If i were playing on the offlane i would be more focused on fucking up the enemy farm than actually getting lasthits for my own.

    When i usually attempt a pull:
    +creeps are heavily pushed to enemy tower.
    +enemy supports are babysitting their carry super hard (i got zoned out).
    (+) enemy support were ganking other lanes.

    When i decided not to pull:
    - i was playing very defensively (bad draft)
    (- )no vision (but i usually get wards for my own)
    - enemy got high kill/gank potential (many disable, trilane,etc)

    Heroes i usually like to play on the offlane lately:
    >(depending on the draft really)

    -So do you guys got any tips on contesting/pulling?
    -Would offlane pull be more beneficial for the enemy?
    -Any good offlane heroes suggestion (and when should i pick them)?


      you can try underlord,very good offlane right now,hard to kill,can kill creepwave with firestorm safely,and you can pick him early,only problem i have is when i get to face against OD in the lane with 1 or 2 supp