General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get 700 gpm+ on drow

how to get 700 gpm+ on drow in General Discussion
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    hello 4k drow player here hehe. my score is 44-19 on her. any advice from drow player?
    my record is only 650.

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      If thats ur goal just buy MJolnir/aghs and farm ??

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        Are you doing it for some Battle pass(Dota plus) quest? Because you shouldn't really be thinking about farming heavily and going for a high GPM with Drow. Just surround yourself with ranged teammates, and deathball to the max.


          Its not your job as a drow to have 700 gpm. You're there to survive and buff your team. Thats how you win.


            dude u should be the one telling us how to play drow :|
            just remember drow is actually a support till she get's to 25 only then she could be come a carry using her 50%cooldown talent so surround urself with ranged teammates get ure silence talents level 15 always 20 if really needed!
            try to push and don't die

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              i wanted guide some1 who are 5k+ mmr. i changed my skillbuild into maxing the aura. it didnt worked. i got ganked lot

              Cant Win

                Just farm and have map awareness. If the enemies are at your lane then go tp to another lane and push


                  Go watch wagamama stream on twitch he's spamming drow a lot these days so u r in luck.

                  13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                    Get midas >aghs > mjolnir then farm everything you see = ?? profit


                      Drow isn't a true hard carry. She's a soft core/"support" or utility carry however you want to call it.

                      You should only be picking drow if your team has a fair amount of ranged heroes, and you plan on 5 Manning down towers.

                      So farming isn't your goal, but if you want to farm anyway, just get mobility and aoe.

                      Things like travels/Yasha/Mjolnir/aghs/Lothar


                        blink dagger and lots of agility or maelstrom


                          drow is a utility carry, i see what ur saying but i think thats the wrong word
                          she is less of a hard carry and more of a early push centered carry


                            drow is a 5man push carry, you get some agi items like dlance aquila treads and you go 5 man mow down towers and rosh and HG

                            it's when you have like a visage

                            drow is made to end at 20 min, if you can't do that then don't pick drow


                              nah bro end at 120 min with io + drow mjollnir butterfly ez


                                the question wasnt how to win as drow though

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                                  yes im decent drow player but just wondered