General Discussion

General DiscussionCan Huskar be a viable safelane carry?

Can Huskar be a viable safelane carry? in General Discussion
What fun is there in winn...

    I mean with the buff to strength heroes gaining magic resistance per str point seems to make huskar better this patch.

    Armlet on = more hp/damage/str (magic resistance)
    Armlet off (low health) more resistance
    Armlet on (low health) = more damage and even more magic resistance

    or is he just a bad hero?

    What fun is there in winn...

      ^ or viable core


        Huskar is like a broodmother pick. In certain situations and line ups with last picking it, it can be a free win/game. But to pick it third or earlier is way easy to counter, and he doesnt scale as well as other safer carry picks. Its all about picking it at the right time and not about how strong the hero is.

        Hes a specialist depending on the other teams draft, not a go to safe lane pick like jugg/luna/sven etc.


          Huskar is super viable but only in his fringe situations
          This change helps but it's not huge


            I think huskar is better at duo offlaning rather than being a main carry specially if they have weak lane supports CM, disruptor or carries with weak laning spectre? At the very least it make the enemy 3lane vs u with give space to ure mid and safe lane this way it also matters less if u first pick it


              ^Agreed, Huskar is better off as a duo offlane to crap on enemy carry's last hits, or punish greedy supports who overextend.
              Plus he scales terribly, like probably the worst hero in terms of scaling despite his farming speed. So a position 3 hero who can melt down towers and enemy's fat enemies suits him better

              (Unless you're higher MMR and your team can end game within 25 minutes so you could use the Huskar Powerspike+ Lane ruining abilities)

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                no he isnt
                u have no idea how to play huskar if ur going to force him against an enemy dual/tri lane
                u shud be aiming to dominate ur lane, get as fast of a armlet + morbid timing as possible and taking roshan then the outer towers.
                after which u should have 1 biggish item like halberd, lance/pike, solar or maybe even greaves and take second roshan with aegis and cheese and take every rax and end.
                if the game goes a bit longer u can aim for some other items, but the point is that u are a monster in the early game, but ur not good against multiple laners at once, so u aim to dominate ur lane in the safelane to guarantee initial farm so u can snowball and take towers and end early
                the offlane doesnt allow u to use huskars strengths and just puts u in an often disadvantageous scenario.

                and anyway huskar gets a bad rep for scaling horribly, but he rlly isnt the worst. not good but if u pick him in a proper scenario then he is fine